Chapter 1: I have a bad feeling about this

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He's got to be around here somewhere.

Obi-Wan glanced around warily, his hand on his lightsaber hilt. He was prepared in case battle commenced at a moment's notice. He was half-expecting a droid attack or even an ambush by Grievous himself. His vardactyl quickly scampered up the cliffs, passing by the levels quickly. On the level above him, he spotted several Pau'un warriors, clad in black and wielding bidents, joining Obi-Wan in his assault on the Separatist hideout.  He had never seen the weapons in action, but he had heard of the wonders they were capable of.  It may be that he'll soon see them in action.

"It seems that Minister Tion is a man of his word," he muttered as he watched the warriors ride their dactillan mounts toward the Separatist stronghold. 

It wasn't long when the sounds of battle reached his ears.  He glanced over his shoulder to see the frog-like outlines of the Republic gunships swoop down to engage an unseen enemy. It seemed that Commander Cody is doing his part on engaging and keeping the droid army busy. Soon,  he came upon the area that the Seppies were hiding out in. One battle-droid that was guarding the doorway stepped forward as Obi-Wan leapt off his mount.

"Hey! I haven't seen you before. Are you one of the Council members of the Separatist Alliance?"

The Jedi grinned. "I suppose you can say that." 

"Show me your identification."

"Very well, here it is." Obi-Wan activated his green saber and cut through the droid. The second tried to avenge his comrade, but Obi-Wan deflected the blaster bolt back to him. With the guards taken care of, he cut a whole through the metallic wall and leapt through. His Pau'un allies flanked him as they were greeted by battle droids of all kinds.


"You will all be sent to the Mustafar system until we can decide what is best for you."

General Grievous paced down the rows of Separatist commanders and Council members. The cyborg general was flanked by two magnaguards as he glanced at his subordinates. Members of diverse species including Rodians , Nemoidians, Trogodiles, and Saurins glanced back at him. Ever since Count Dooku was slain by the Jedi, the responsibility of the leadership position fell on his shoulders. The Kaleesh never asked for this burden, but he knew he had to lead. Luckily, it was something he was good at.

"General Grievous, may I ask where-"

An arachnoid council member was cut off as an explosion blew apart the metallic wall above them. Droids ran to engage the attackers that had seeped through the hole that had resulted from the breach. General Grievous, not being one who fled from a fight, drew his lightsabers, stolen from Jedi he had slain, leapt onto the balcony as the Separatist council fled and fought the intruders.  He recognized them as the natives of the planet as he deflected bident fire. These Utapau warriors were putting up quite a fight as they cut down the droids around them. That was most impressive, but that would be their undoing as no one was a match for the supreme commander himself.

"Die, you ungrateful scum!" General Grievous cut through a Pau'un warrior as he advanced on the attackers.  A second native warrior took a flying leap and managed to nick the armor on his left shoulder. Crying out, the General nabbed him with his left foot and slammed him onto the hard metal floor. He finished the job by applying pressure and hearing the sickening crack.

"I see you are the only one that puts up a decent fight, General."

Grievous whirled around to face the owner of that annoying voice. It sounded all too familiar and it haunted his dreams every night. Obi-Wan Kenobi cut through a couple droidekas before coming over to Grievous. 

"General Kenobi, have you come to meet your doom at last?"

"In your dreams, General." Kenobi took a stance. "Shall we finish this?"

"With pleasure!"

Obi-Wan and his nemesis dueled while their troops engaged each other. As the two combatants began to wear down after a long stalemate, a loud bleating sound echoed through the floor.  Grievous turned to see a large teal-colored lizard enter the fray, smashing and knocking over a few droids in the process. Before he could react, the cyborg was knocked off the railing by the lizard.


"Atta boy!"

Obi-Wan mounted his vardactyl as they made their way to seek and capture the Separatist leaders. 

"I wonder how Cody is faring back there."

The Jedi master glanced backward as they left the room and climbed up the cliffs. He spied smoke in the distance as loud explosions reached his ears.

Hang in there for a bit longer, Cody. It won't be long before I find the enemy leaders. 

Suddenly, a whirring sound was heard from behind him. Startled, he glanced downward to see a Tsemu-6 bike gaining on them. His heart skipped a beat when he recognized General Grievous in the rider's seat. 

So he thinks he can catch up to me? We will see about that.

Red blaster bolts shot out of the bike  as the general gained on them. Obi-Wan reflected them with his green saber, but General Grievous caught up to them.

"Thought you could get away from me, General Kenobi? I will make sure that won't happen!"

"Very well, General." Master Kenobi swung his saber, nicking the nearest cannon on the bike. "It all ends today."

"You got that right."

General Grievous responded with a blue-bladed lightsaber as the two traded blows , trying to outdo each other. Neither could gain the upperhand. Obi-Wan tried to distract Grievous as he made his way to the new hideout of the Separatists. Suddenly,  a sound of a cannon went off before it was replaced by the sound of something hurtling toward them.

"Stars above!" Obi-Wan turned in time to see the blue shape of an AT-TE cannonball streak toward them. Before any of them could react, the ball slammed into the cliff between them, causing it to break off.

Why did they fire?I told them to hold off the droids!    Obi-Wan thought as he and Grievous both freefalled to the lake below.


Why would the Republic troops fire on their own commander?Is there some sort of mutiny involved?

Coughing due to his shattered breastplate, General Grievous swam out of the small lake they had landed on. To his left, his foe lay on the muddy soil, trying to regain his breath. To his right, the crumpled body of the Jedi's lizard ally lay among the twisted wreckage of the general's bike. Grievous contemplated his rival as he lay vulnerable until four clones arrived.

"Commander Cody, am I glad to see you." Obi-Wan turned to face them."May I ask why-"

"Finish them!" Cody pointed at the cyborg and the Jedi.

As the clones raised their weapons, Grievous sprung into action and engaged them. Deflecting blaster fire, he cut down two clone troopers. The remaining one raised a RPS-6 rocket launcher, but the droid general was able to decapitate him before he could utilize it. He turned to face the commander, who was now surrounded by reinforcements. Throughout it all, Kenobi watched in disbelief.

The Kaleesh commander cackled. "It seems that your troops are raising a minor insurrection. If I were you, I'd run."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wan activated his lightsaber as the two unlikely allies prepared to take on the 212th.

Poor Obi-Wan! What will he be forced to do? Do you think he and Grievous can work together?Your feedback is welcome.

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