Chapter 9:Onward!

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Pew! Pew!

Red lasers shot across the metallic hallways of the dreadnought as Obi-Wan and the bounty hunter rounded the corner to the cabin that housed the Separatist leadership. The sight of commando droids returning fire as several of them bunched in front the room occupied by the council to prevent the intruders from entering greeted the sight of the Jedi master. 

Who would be bold enough to enter the heart of the flagship of General Grievous, especially the area where most of the droids are concentrated?

His hand on his lightsaber hilt, Obi-Wan and Vruh'Kang came within sight of the skirmish between the droids and the intruders. Craning his look to get a good view of who was bold or foolish enough to think they could infiltrate the deadliest Separatist warship, much less punch through its heavily defended quarters. Seeing a flash of white as well as other colorful colors, the Jedi Master's heartbeat started to pick up as he recognized who they were up against.

Oh my! I should have known Special Forces would come onboard. How could I have overlooked that? Is it me they are after or is it Grievous? Could it be the Separatist council they want? Perhaps all of us.

Before he could get a chance to ignite his weapon, a blaster bolt, searing too close for comfort for the Jedi, shot past him and made contact with the back of one of the clones' head, the mini-gun bearing clone, resulting in him collapsing in a limp heap on the cold gray floor of the dreadnought.  From the corner of his eye, he saw the bounty hunter bearing  a smoking blaster in his gloved hand.

Stars above! The clones will now turn their attention to us.  

"Venator, come in!"

General Kenobi's eyes landed on who he assumed was the leader of this strike team.  This clone had specialized gear adorning his uniform. His t-shaped Phase 2 visor had a red hue to it while a black-gray helmet offered extra protection to his noggin. This clone was talking in what Kenobi assumed was a comlink. Most likely, he was reporting their position aboard the Patriot's Fist.

"Overall, we have covered a lot of ground, but have been exposed in the process.I need to report to you that not only is the entire Separatist leadership onboard Grievous's vessel, but the  Obi-Wan Kenobi has just arrived. Should we bring him to you dead or alive?"

So they accuse me of being a traitor? How did this come to be?

The Jedi Master's heart skipped a beat as two of the special ops clones trained their weapons on him. Kenobi was torn between fighting his former allies or turning himself in to possibly sort out the mistake that the Republic had made by branding him a traitor. Seeing the team leader cut his signal and aim his blaster in a threatening manner toward him, Obi-Wan knew that he had no choice but to fight for his life.

Well, on the bright side, that spared me from making a tough decision.

Igniting his neon green saber, the Jedi started to deflect the blaster bolts streaming toward him.


  "Overall, we have covered a lot of ground, but have been exposed in the process.I need to report to you that not only is the entire Separatist leadership onboard Grievous's vessel, but the Obi-Wan Kenobi has just arrived. Should we bring him to you dead or alive?" 

Admiral Yularen stood  beside the clone crew member of his ship as they received the transmission from the infiltration squad.  Outside of the port windows, red and orange blasts indicated that the space battle was still ongoing, but it wouldn't be for long once their ruse worked. The clone glanced over at him, awaiting the Clone Wars veteran's reply. 

"Do whatever you must. If possible, try to nab him alive. If he proves to be too much of a hassle, put him down like a rabid Gundark.   General Kenobi is a traitor as stated by the Chancellor himself so there would be a bounty on him no matter what."


Before Captain Kardo shut off his comm, a succession of blaster fire reached the ears of the crew.

It will only be a matter of time until my promotion is inevitable. Not only will I have the traitorous Jedi, but the whole Separatist council as well. The Chancellor will be very pleased with my efforts.

"Sir, our scans are detecting a few large vessels bearing down at us. What are your orders?"

Peering down at the scans, which indicated four capital-sized ships, coming straight for them.  What stood out to the battle-hardened admiral was how the ships zeroed in on them like hungry Karkadons. Friendly ships would never do that so that left only a few possibilities. It could be pirates, scavengers, or the more likely chance of Separatist warships coming to aid their leader.

"New plan!" All eyes turned to fixate on Yularen. "Order our starfighters to ditch their current objective and keep the Separatist dreadnoughts at bay."

"Yes, sir!"

Yularen smiled as he watched his men relay the orders. The sensors started to squawk and lights flash all over the dashboards. In a matter of seconds, four shapes dotted the horizon.  Despite their distance, the admiral could make out the vague fish-like shapes of the Separatist capital ships. The Venator shook as Z-95 and ARC-170 starships shot past it like meteors on their way to engage the enemy. 

Victory shall be mine in due time.


"Onward! Fire at the pests that try to get in our way or swarn Grievous's ship!"

Sitting in his commanding chair, the Lazareen watched in tense anticipation as what remained of his fleet zeroed in on the Republic flagship.  Leaving a destroyer to take on the two remaining Republic cruisers, Commander Kegruc used his remaining capital ships to aid his superior. 

"Roger roger!"

As the droids set up their stations, a loud beeping noise caught their attention.  One of the security droids turned to the commander.


"Cut the bantha fodder and spill it!" Kegruc clenched his fists in annoyance.

"It seems that the cruisers saw through our ruse and are tracking us right now. They are on our tail! Not only that, but enemy starships are bearing down on us from the front as well."

"Urgh!" Kegruc slammed his large hand on the side of his metallic chair. "I left 894 for one job and yet he's failed me yet again? Ok, here is how we'll roll. Two of you assist him in keeping the cruisers at bay while the other two help me assault the flagship. We have no room for any failures, is that clear?"

"Roger roger!"

"Good, now I will get my promotion!" Kegruc cackled, his stomach shaking. 


The party has just begun haha. Sorry for the late update. I have a busy life and will update once I have the time. I won't let you wait for long. 

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