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Before he realized it, you had pulled out a small throwing knife and had started to press it against his "manhood".
"Unless you plan on being a Unick then you best be backing down Loki." You hissed pressing the blade harder, causing the god to back away with his hands in up and a smirk on his face. 'This will be fun' he thought to him self.
"Loki, perhaps you have met you match with gorgeous creatures. Though after she's done with you, maybe I could use a babysitter." Fandral chuckled, patting Loki on the shoulder. You just rolled your eyes as you sat back down, your knife still in your hand, as you pointed it at Loki then at the chair.
"Sit" was all you said. Not bothering to look back at the god that was glaring at you. He was about to voice his opinion until a soft hand  was placed on his shoulder. Loki turned to see Frigga smiling at him and nodding for him to sit. Loki did as he was told grumbling under his breath.
"Ah, mother" Thor boomed next to you, getting up to greet her. "Y/n, this is our mother Frigga. Mother this is miss y/n the one I told you about."
" A pleasure meeting you miss y/n." She replied with a soft warm smile.
"Nice to met you as well."  You had stood up to meet her, smiling back at her.
"I hope my son Loki doesn't give you to much trouble." She spoke softly as she looked towards her son. Giving him an mother knows best look.
"I'm sure he'll try. But nothing I can't handle ma'am." You joked back at Frigga. You turned to look at Loki, a smirk playing on your lips. Frigga nodded her head and left to sit next to Thor. Soon everyone feel silent as Odin walked into the room. 
He made his speech, somewhat welcoming you to Asgard. All the while not looking at you once, let alone talking directly to you. If you didn't know better you would thought Loki was his own and not adopted. They were both arrogant and thought very little Midgardins from his tone, his words condescending as he spoke of you.
You never thought Asgardian's were the partying type, but here they are almost midnight and still going strong. Thor's loud voice brought you back from your thoughts. He had almost started you, as you turned to face the god of thunder.
"Ah, there you are my friend." Patting you on your shoulder, with his goofy grin. You rolled your eyes at the god, suppressing the urge to laugh at him.
"Yes, Thor what can I do for you?" You looked up at him. You knew back home on earth that he could never get drunk. But seeing him here on his realm you couldn't help but giggle. "Why Thor I thought the Prince and future king of Asgard could not get drunk?"
You made sure to emphasize on the word King. Just to piss Loki off as you saw him talking with a woman. Hopefully she wasn't dumb enough to fall for his charm. You smirked when he turned his head towards you glaring daggers at you. You blew a kiss at him just to annoy him further before turning your attention back to Thor.
"Ah, I can't y/n." Patting you again on the back, it came off it a bit more forceful as it slightly pushed you forward.
"Well, obviously not." You rolled your eyes. "Please tell me I don't have to fire man carry you again. You're rather heavy and it would be embarrassing for you, if a Midguardian
Picked you up and carried the future king back to his chambers." You giggled.
"Well if he won't let you, I would gladly take his place." Fandral smirked as he walked up to you, throwing  an arm around your shoulder.
"Unless you want to wake up as a Unick like Loki I strong suggest you remove your arm." You hissed point a throwing knife  towards Fandral manhood.
"Ah she's a lot like Loki with her daggers." One of the other Warriors laughed, as Fandral removed his arm. You turned to glare at the two idiot warriors. Thor put his hand on your shoulder as he chuckled.
"Thor, I'm calling it a night before I end up killing one of your friends." Thor nodded and wished you good night. You moved through the mass of people trying to get out, finding it was quite hard.
As the huge golden door shut behind you, you found yourself in the quite corridor. You weren't going to lie it was a nice break. As you walked you couldn't shake this feeling like someone was following you. Turning to look behind you, nothing, no one was there. You continued on, as someone grabbed your waist. Before they could do anything you spun around taking them down to the floor, knee on their chest and a throwing knife in each hand one aimed at their jugular, the other towards the heart.
"Loki" you growled. Loki put his hand up in surrender. As soon as you relaxed Loki took his advantage of flipping you on to your back almost surprising you. Loki had a pleased look on his face, you tried to looked calm not wanting to give him the satisfaction. As soon as he tightened his grip on your waist he realized his mistake of not pinning your arms.
You had one of your knives pressed into the leather of his trousers and slightly to the left of his own manhood,  he looked down between your bodies as he raised his head back up to face you. He saw your lips turned up into a slight smirk.
"Your move, Loki." You smiled sweetly. Before you could add more there was a green mist and Loki was gone. "Awe you don't like it when the other person doesn't play by your rules do you."
Mumbling as you got back up. You made it back to your chambers with out further incident.

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