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           You stood there in the god awful outfit waiting for your target to arrive. You really wanted to kill Director Fury for putting you in this thing. Were you really, ready for a mission? So soon. Sure all the new scare were gone thanks to Tony's nanotechnology. You couldn't tell that you lost skin around your ankles. Tony and Bruce had worked non stop to get you some what back together. Minus Clint that little torturous asshole, They had been the biggest help. You still were trying to find Clint to murder him. 

           Nat came to visit you while you were still mending she apologized for her pushing you on the loki thing. You apologized to her as well. What happened between you and Bucky was never brought up. You felt bad for him know he pined over you. But your feeling were still else where. Perhaps with a certain god. After all he did break a few treaties with earth just to save you. Thor had told you everything. You may have wanted to kill the God of mischief for putting a tracking device in that Necklace. But it did help him and Thor find you.

        Think of everything that had happened, while you waited in the darkened corner for you target. You watched the one other person in the room. Though he knew you were there, beings he was part of this mission. You did miss Thor it had been a few months since you saw him lasted. He had told you how loki was doing before he left back to Asgard. You felt a ping in your gut, you missed Asgard all the colors, you missed that death trap of a bridge too. You target moved into the room. As he went to talk with your partner.


         Loki was in the golden room with Heimdall. After Thor brought good news to him, he had started to go to Heimdall asking if he saw you, asking how you were doing. The gate keeper would tell him how your progress was. He told loki ever detail he could. It was all Loki wanted. Even though he really wasn't allowed in the room as part of a deal with Odin. But this was loki. And even though Heimdall could get in trouble as well. He still let loki in the room to watch how you were doing. Some times the young god would wounded if you spoke of him or even thought about him. He did have his hopes even though he knew better.

        "Heimdall," Loki greeted the gate keeps. As always Heimdall was ready for loki his sword put into place like a key, to look into other realm. "How is my darling today?" Looked out at the vast stars. Smiling just to hear about your stubbornness. He was happy that it never died.

        "I she is doing well, she left for her mission the other day, wit..." Heimdall trailed off he froze his golden eye moved rapidly. "My prince I do not see her." Loki started to tense up. If the gate keeper could not see you. Then you had to be in some sort of danger or worse.


         "So apparently," you paused, Pushing your hip from the wall, walking towards your the tall figure that you assumed was your target. "Your dumb ass, couldn't stay out of trouble for five minutes while I'm away. Now I'm here having to babysit your ass again." You smirked while you watched the man slowly turn around. Loki looked at you in shock. He thought you were an Illinois. Why would you be back. A smirk spread a crossed your face at the stunned god. "What cat got that silver tongue of yours?"

        "I will take my leave." You heard Heimdall speak but Loki never looked over at him he was fixated on you. You nodded towards the gate keeper. As he left the golden room as he waited on the rainbow bridge.

          "So," You looked around. Trying to figure out what to say or do next ,as Loki stared at you. You thought he would be happy to see you. You now weren't sure if he wanted you there. "I decided to come back. Not just because you some broke treaties to save me. Thank you by the way, for that. I was.." You were cut off by the god, grabbing ahold of your lips with his own. His hand holding on to your chin while his other snaked around your waist. Your hands found their way around his neck. There was more passion in that signal kiss then ever. Loki's forehead rested against. You hadn't realized it yet but Loki used his magic, placing you both in his chambers. To be alone, even if it was for you to kick his ass.

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