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"Ahh, y/n, is there a greater beauty in all of Asgard such as yourself?" Fandral fawned over you, grinning ear to ear. Just the sound of his voice grated on your nerves and set you on edge, you rolled your eyes. Turning to face him, you caught a glimpse of Loki striding towards the two of you.
"Why Fandral, that has to be the sweetest thing any man has ever said to me." You cooed as Loki walked up, a sneer plastered to his face as he looked over at the Robin Hood look alike.
"Fandral, don't you have some wenches to flirt with?" Loki stated, glaring at the other man.
"Loki!" You snapped, linking your arm in with man you had just second before were going to rip a new one into.
"What?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in mild shock at your sudden change of heart.
"That's quite rude, you could learn a lesson on how to talk to lady from this man." You quip back, smiling coyly, wanna play this game, then let's do this.
"See Loki, when you treat the maidens with a higher standard, they respond. Then again you, of all people, could never be with a woman of this exquisite caliber." Fandral spoke to him with complete confidence, it took everything in you not to wipe Fandral's cocky smirk all over the floor. Yeah Loki was asshole, grade a asshole, but still, acting like he was above him was a shit move. You could see the half second look of hurt cross Loki's face.
"If you'll excuse us Loki, Fandral was going to take a walk with me." You smiled, pushing all those thoughts to the far back of your head. You needed a break from Loki, actually you needed a break from Asgard but that wasn't going to happen any time soon.
     You left Loki in the hall as you let the other man walk you away. He was rattling on at great lengths about how awesome he was or some shit. You really weren't listening, your mind still trying to wrap around the sudden change in the god of minor tricks and great annoyances.
      Really why did he care if your body was covered in scars from war? Scars of your capture, detainment, torture, he didn't care, couldn't care, shouldn't care. Look at how he has treated you since you arrived, being a shit of a weasel that he was.
     "Y/n, even the setting sun would rival your beauty." Fandral stated, tucking your stray strand of hair behind your ear, catching you off guard.
    Instinct kicked in, you seized his wrist in a split second, stepping in. You hooked the back of his ankle, following in with your other hand planted firmly against his throat shoving him hard. The man tripped back, landing hard the ground, you follow him down, knee in his chest. Other fist poised to strike.
     "Don't touch me!" You hissed through gritted teeth, only a select few people were granted that. And most of that touching was done in detailed hand to hand training, you count those people on one hand.
     "Beautiful, I assure you, I did not mean to offend you." He chuckled lightly, concern washing through his face. You glared down at him, you really want to punch him, his hands raised in defensive surrender.
      You dropped your fist to your side, and stood up. Men like him, they were the ones that pissed you off the most, thinking they were gods gift to women. That some how other people were beneath them, that some how they were better then others. You had seen the way the warriors three treated Loki, Fandral was the worse though. 
     "Touch me again, Robin Hood and your tights will be wrapped around your throat as a noose." You spat out.
      "Sweet little.." He moved to sit up, you snapped your leg out. Catching him by surprise as your foot was on his throat, pressing him back to the ground.
      "Call me anything other then my name and you'll regret it." You seethed as you walked away leaving the confused man laying on the ground.
       You didn't feel guilty giving him false hope, not after the way he treated you. Talking about you like daft bimbo, talking about you like you weren't even there. Fuck that shit. You'd rather deal with Loki and his 'mischievousness' any day.
      You wandered in the garden, wishing that you had someone other then Thor on your side. You couldn't keep calling back home, as much as you loved them and knew that they were trying their hardest, you just had to stop. You had to prove to Fury you learned your lesson, you could handle this mission.
     "Miss y/n," Frigga's soft voice startled you from your thoughts, you glanced over to the bench in the center of the weeping trees. Lavender puffs of flowers looked as if they were rolling off the deep green leaves. All it did was accentuate her beauty. "Come sit with me."
     "Uh, Okay?" You questioned, walking stiffly towards her.
     You sat down awkwardly next to her, she looked at you with kind eyes. Shifting slightly to face you.
     "I must apologize for my son, I know he's been completely unruly." She stated, patting your knee gently. Unruly was the understatement of the year, down right demonic was more right. "He's had a rough couple of years, and that doesn't excuse his actions."
      "I get a rough couple of years, your majesty, but so have I." You sigh, looking back at the castle. "I've been to war, not with swords, or hammers. No, with bullets and torture, where being a woman in arms was making death seem sweeter then candy. The things that people have done to me, yes they are a part of me, but they don't define me."
     You took a deep breath, unsure why you felt the compelling need to tell this stranger thoughts you kept to yourself for so long.
      "Whatever happened to your son, he needs to realize that. Your past, your grievances, your demons only define you if you let them." You finally looked back at her, meeting those crystalline blue eyes. "And I sure as hell ain't going to tip toe around him or treat him any different then anyone else I've been told to guard. Royalty or not, he is still a war criminal on Eart... Midgard. The fact he walks freely here on Asgard means nothing to me."
      "I understand. Then whatever services you shall need will be yours. There is not a part of this realm off limits to you." She said, patting your knee again before rising. "Come supper should be ready."

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