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Your knees buckled to the hardened soil as so as your feet touched the ground. The world around you was spinning and tilting, causing your stomach to do flips. Screw the rainbow bridge crap, you'd rather deal with one where falling off the edge while playing Bowser was your biggest worry. The sound of Led Zeppelin filled your ears as you heard the unmistakable lyrics about the land of the ice and snow, all you did was growl as you finally stood back up.
Tony stood just a head of Bucky and Sam, the Avengers compound behind them had a giant welcome home banner on it. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, suddenly Sam and Bucky pushed Tony out of the way as they rushed over to you. As the came up to you watched Bucky shove Sam out of the way and wrapped his arms around you.
"Finally, never thought I'd actually miss that infuriating grimace as much as I did." He said, releasing your tense body. You weren't known for being affectionate, let alone with someone like the Winter Soldier.
"Move out of the way." Sam snipped shoving the brunette out of the way to give you his own hug. Truth be told you in fact had missed both of them and their consistent bantering, even though you would never let on you were more then happy to see them.
"Okay you two love struck puppies, move out of the way and let y/n actually come on in." Tony sighed, both men parted out of your path and you walked into the compound. Thor had made an excuse to go back to Asgard, and vanished back the way you had both came.
"What no regal dresses for us?" Bucky smirked carrying your duffel bag.
"Barnes, I'd rather shoot myself. Speaking of shooting, when do I get my guns back?" You spun, walking backwards to look at Tony.
"Soon enough, first the debriefing and the dinner." Tony clipped back, you rolled your eyes.
"Can I at least get settled in?" You questioned receiving a nod from him.
What you wanted was just a few minutes to yourself, just you get your mind around everything before being asked questions as to your time on Asgard. After arguing with Bucky and Sam you finally managed to pull the bags from them and made your way back to your room. You opened the door dropping the bags to the side and closed it behind you, resting your head again the cool metal. You sighed to yourself, apart of you felt the worst person on the planet for leaving Loki the way you did.
You hoped he would understand, that you couldn't become emotionally attached, it would only lead to heartbreak. Maybe if he hated you it would makes things easier, fuck, why on earth did you have to screw around with him.
"So, I'm guessing by the fact you haven't realized I'm sitting on your bed behind you that your having some internal conflict going on." You head shot up and eyes widen. You didn't even have to turn around to know that the red headed former assassin had that all knowing smirk plastered to her face.
"Nat." You stated, taking a deep breath before turning, and as predicted she did have that smirk on her face.
"Guessing you went more then one round with him." She said coyly as you walked over to your closet, you slid the door open to see what clothes had been left behind.
"I don't know what you mean." You replied calmly, pulling out a clean pair of black tactical pants and a loose grey shirt.
"Really? Cause maybe the rest of guys didn't notice but I can see the marks on your neck, faint but I can see them." She slowly stated, you could the heat creep up your face.
"Okay, So I did before I left, is that what you want to hear Natasha? I fucked him one last time before coming back." You snapped turning to face her fully.
"No, I want to know what your state of mind is right now. Cause you've already spaced out on me since you came into this room. You gone from just about sobbing against the door like a heartbroken school girl to flushing up with embarrassment to lashing out." She sniped out, standing and walking over to you, her eyes nailing you in place. There was no malice in her words, it was like reading a report to her but her eyes told you different story. "I need to make sure that what happened on Asgard doesn't cloud your judgement, cause Cap and Fury have us set up for a new mission at the end of the week. The last thing we need is for you to get all weepy and weak on us."
You knew what she was saying was true, if you had emotionally compromised it could effect your performance on a mission, but it made your blood boil hearing her say it. You weren't emotionally attached to the God of Mischief, come hell or high water you would never become that way to anyone.
"Nat, I'm only going to say this once, so listen very closely." You seethed, talking behind gritted teeth, glaring her down. "I am not, nor will I ever be emotionally compromised. What happened on Asgard was just what it was, a good old romp in the hay, you of all people here so understand that."
The red head crossed her arms, jutting her hip out the side as she looked you up and down. You knew what she was doing, she was attempting to read to you the way she did everyone. The corner of her mouth pulled up before her eyes met yours again, you clenched your fist, wishing you could just take a swing at her. You knew it would be in vain but still it urge was there.
"Will see about that, y/n, I really hope for your shake you aren't lying to yourself." She stated flatly, walking past you to the door. She swung it open and paused. Looking over her shoulder back at your tense body, you taking slow deep breaths to calm yourself. "It's good to have you back, everyone has missed you."
The door shut behind you leaving you to stew at her words. You hadn't even been home for an hour and you already needed a good stiff drink, how the hell were you going to handle a debriefing with the Captain. You grabbed the closest item to you, your lamp, and threw it the door allowing part of your rage to manifest.

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