Chapter Seven: It All Started With A Book

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--4 years ago—

Ema’s PoV

I was at the school library, trying to find a certain book while taking some other books that I think will be helpful to me for the upcoming exams…


Will this do…?

I heard the library door open and close. Followed by quiet footsteps, I felt someone was at the other side of the bookshelf I was looking at.

Ema! Don’t distract yourself~! Exams are near!! >__<

Ah! ^__^ Found it~!

I was about to take the book when I felt someone pull for it too…


I let it be taken away by the one who was taking it, too, but the book stayed still.

I peeked at the other side of the shelf and saw a guy peeking  at my side at the same time. That caused our foreheads to hit each other.

Ow!” I exclaimed.

Agh!” he exclaimed.

The two of us looked at each other for a moment and said, “I’M SO SORRY!” at the same time.

“Please take the book!” the both of us said at the same time. AGAIN. “No! You first!”

We both laughed.

“You know what? Why don’t we just share the book?” he suggested. “Is that okay with you?”

I smiled. “Yes… It’s fine with me!” I answered. We sat down and studied together until it was 5 in the afternoon—2 hours had already passed.

Days passed, and we got to know each other more and more every single day.

His name is Yamaguchi Kenji and he’s my sempai or senior. He took the same course, the same as mine. He’s 24 and his birthday is June 17.

He’s really fun to be with… I learned that he’s an otaku too (he’ll get along with the twins ^__^) and he’s a gentleman.

Every day, we’d meet at the library and study together. If the other one gets there earlier and leaves without the other, they’ll write something on a paper and put it in the book they first shared.

Today, he wasn’t there, so I took a piece of paper and hid it in the book. When the librarian wasn’t looking, I put it back in the shelf and studied alone. I sat on a spot beside the window and looked outside.

I saw some of the soccer team members practicing and some girls squealing at them.

“Kyaaa~!! Kenji-sempai~!!” someone shouted.

He waved at them and continued playing.


Is so popular…

But me…? I’m not really popular and he’s hanging out with me… I’m just ordinary… And he’s…

I don’t know what to do with this…

I slowly got up, gathered my things, took my note from the book and threw it away. I sighed and exited the library.

I spotted a familiar red-headed guy studying under a bench on a tree.

“AAAAGH~!! WHY CAN’T I GET THIS???!” he exclaimed.

“Yuusuke-kun…?” I asked, walking towards him. “What’s wrong??”

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