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When the rich steal from the poor,
It's called business
But when the poor steal from the rich,
It's called robbery.
When government officials loot millions of public funds,
A committee is formed.
When an average citizen steals a few thousand shillings,
He burns at the justice of the mob,
Or is locked away at the injustice of the Court.
When a government official sleeps with another person's spouse,
It's a scandal or Photoshop
But when an average citizen does it,
They are prostitutes.
When a white man hits a black man,
It's called self defense.
When a black man hits a white man,
It's called assault and he rots behind bars.
When a man hits a woman,
It's called violence,
And he too rots behind bars.
But when a woman hits a man,
He's just being weak.
When the western countries bomb a country,
Their soldiers are called heroes,
But when the country defends itself,
They are called terrorists.
Truth is only true based on who shouts loudest.
If he stole a knife and a pan,
Media says he stole a pan using a knife.
I want to trust the law,
But weren't colonization, religious killings and slavery children of the same law?
Society is full of mirrors,
Society is full of blind men.


Inspired by Mr. Politician(song by VIRUSI MBAYA )

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