Chapter 1

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Jimin walked down the path to his house. His mother was making soup for the elders of the village and Jimin being the young strong Omega, has to bring the water from the river near.

He carried the big barrel carefully, but fast enough not to let her mother wait. He was so happy that he was finally allowed to help with the bigger chores and help everyone with every way possible.

Soon he saw the village, but this time all seemed strange. The air has a weird smell on it and the black smoke started to spread out around the cabins. Fire.

Jimin dropped the barrel and ran straight to the village, only to face a horrible view. All the people who he knew, friends and relatives were running and hiding in panic.

The whole village was on fire. He saw that all the Alpha's of his pack were fighting against other pack and Jimin couldn't do anything, but watch from afar. Wise enough not to get involved or be seen.

He recognized one member of the foreign pack, Jiyong, he was laughing like a maniac as he mauled one of the Alphas. Jimin knew who they are and why they were here. They had finally filled their promises and attacked Jimin's village.

It was only a joke between all the Beta's that Seunghyun's pack would attack someday, but now it was real. Too real. It was only a myth, a story that Beta's told to kids to scare and joke about.

Seunghyun's pack was a kind of subspecies from Jimin's pack. Once they were one big family and pack, but then there were disagreements and power fights that led to the pack split in two, leaving bitterness and revengefulness around the members. But it was years ago before Jimin was even born.

The Omega sneaked around the village, everything around him was so hot and the smell of blood was terrible, it floated in the air and colored the before green grass red. Jimin had never seen anything like it and it sent shivers down his spine in disgust and fear.

It didn't take long for the sounds of the battle come to an end. Jimin tried to be as quiet as possible, his small figure luckily giving him an advantage for not being seen that easily.

Jimin peeked from around the corner, many bodies were on the ground and it was silent. Seunghyun's wolves walked around and lifted couple limb frames from the ground only to drop them again when noticed they were already dead.

Once he was trying to see the situation more closely he accidentally made an eye contact with one of the biggest wolves he has ever seen, the big thing stared at him with red eyes, a loud warning growl coming out of his lips.

So what young scared cub could do? Jimin glanced at his burning village last time before switching to his wolf form and running to the forest.

αβΩ αβΩ αβΩ

It was dark, the moon shining as the dying fire behind him paint the sky warm red. He had run so long and now he was exhausted, his muscles felt like someone was ripping them out of his body and he could barely keep his eyes open.

Jimin just wanted to find his pack. They maybe ran away to somewhere and are waiting for him. It was impossible for everyone to be dead. Jimin shook his head and tried not to think about it too much and just keep going. He was lucky enough that the big wolf didn't go after him. At least he hoped so.

He walks down the path and have no idea where he is or even who's territory, and he really doesn't care. He wants to find someplace to sleep so he can rest and clear his head, and then in the morning find his pack. That being his main priority at the moment.

In the wolf form, where Jimin currently was, you could easily contact your pack with the pack link, but he being so young and inexperienced he doesn't know how to do it. He is completely lost.

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