Chapter 3

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Jimin's first year in Jungkook's pack had passed fastly. In winter time Jimin noticed how in the north the territory actually was. He even saw snow for the first time. Even with Jimin's doubts of it, the pack has accepted him willingly.

They even had a party for him and made the whole ritual that he could finally be a permanent member of the pack. He got to know so many people and make friends with his own age. Before that, he had only Jin and Namjoon who he was the closest to and they both were at least ten years older than him. Not that he cared.

It took time to swallow everything in when Jin had told him the incident that happened to his old pack, to his family. He had locked himself up in his room for weeks.

The sadness and longing for his family had slightly faded away with the time, but he can't ever forget them, even though he wanted. They were just a hurtful memory in his small head, but he has a new family now, those who love him and help him with everything. That's all he needs right now.

Jimin had started to work with Jin after half a year of setting down. Usually, he works with the young cubs and helps with the food, Jin always supporting and advising him. For the most part, all they did was the same Jimin did in his old pack so it was easy to keep up and Jimin loved taking care of little cubs.

Jungkook and Namjoon had decided that it would be the best if Jimin would live with Jin because Jimin is still young so he needs an adult to keep eye on him and Jin was a good candidate. Jungkook would have volunteered, but it would have been too dangerous.

Jimin was surprised how much time Jungkook had spent with him during the months he has been there. In his old pack, he didn't usually even see the pack leader that often, but there Jungkook were, telling him stories, entertaining him and taking care of him. Maybe it was just because he was new and the leader wanted him to feel welcomed. It worked.

Jimin was now sitting at the root of the tree with his two best friends whose he met in the welcoming party and have been friends ever since; Taemin and Wonshik. They were very acceptable and kind to Jimin at first when Jimin was still shy and didn't talk much.

But it didn't take long for them to have Jimin with them when they did something stupid and reckless. And welcoming the Omega to their gossip club and their inside jokes. They were all the same age; only thirteen.

"So, any ideas what we can do? Taehyung won't be on patrol for an hour. We could go to the waterfalls again?" Wonshik suggests after a long silence. The day is so hot that they don't literally have the energy to do anything big so swimming sounded actually really good.

"Sorry, I can't go outside of the territory for a while, my mom will kill me. Last time when we went to the 'no mans land', it was too much for her and dad," Taemin sighs and lays down to the grass. Wonshik grins him from his seat.

"What is Jin doing there?" Jimin asks suddenly when he sees the blond walking down the path to deeper into the forest.

"He is probably just looking for herbs, basic him," Taemin shrugs.

"No. No, Namjoon told me today that Jin is sick again and can't come to work with me," Jimin says and now his friend's interest has woken up. They both raise up from the ground to watch Jin disappearing into the woods.

"We have actually talked about this with Taemin. Many of our villagers seem to get sick easily and I am thirteen and I have been two times sick in my life," Wonshik states and shares a look with his two friends and two seconds after they are all following Jin.

"What if he just has a low immune system and has a flue? We will just follow him and see him sneeze every couple of minutes," Taemin whispers and tries to keep up with Wonshik and Jimin who are way ahead of him. He seems to be the only one who thinks it's a bad idea.

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