Chapter 6

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Jimin was once again confused and disturbed when he was left with Namjoon who started to explain some weird facts about the werewolf society. The Alpha was definitely uptight as well.

But what was out of the ordinary was when Jin bursts into the cabin with the angriest face Jimin has ever seen on him. Jimin was used to see Jin calm, but during the years Jin has been more and more strained. This was something different.

"Jin..." Namjoon says worriedly and tries to touch him, but Jin walks right through him to his own room, slamming the door behind him. Jimin shakes his head as Namjoon goes to talk to him.

Of course, he was curious what got him so angry, but on the other hand, it was probably something that he was too young to know as always.

Jimin decided to just shrug it off and do something helpful as he didn't have anything better to do today.

Jimin was in the middle of washing the dishes when there was a knock on the door. He dries his hands on his shirt before he went to open it.

"Hey," Jungkook says with a nervous smile.

"What happened to Jin?" Jimin asks and crosses his arms over his chest, his eyebrows raised in question. If Jungkook had to come this far to talk to Jin there was definitely something big going on and it got Jimin curious.

"I need to talk to you."

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Jungkook leads Jimin to the forest, not too far from the village, but far enough not to be heard. Jimin really had a bad feeling about this and Jungkook's tenseness didn't make him feel much better.

"So, yeah..." Jungkook says nervously and clears his throat.

Jimin sends him an encouraging smile but looks at him questionably. Things were still a little awkward after the last night Jimin spent in Jungkook's cabin, but Jimin tried to forget it. Keyword: tried.

He could still see his own made biting marks on the leader's arm and it made him uncomfortable. Jimin beat himself up for being so childish, but what he didn't know was that Jungkook did more than like them.

Jungkook's nervousness suddenly disappears when he straightens his position and put an unreadable expression on, his whole scent getting stronger, more dominating.

"You know how every pack needs a Luna, right?" Jimin nods, frowning. "Have you ever thought about..." Jungkook tries to find the right words. "why I don't have my mate with me leading the pack?" Jungkook starts with a steady voice.

He really acted like a real Alpha which was weird to Jimin because the Alpha has never been so professional, at least not around him.

"Namjoon said your mate is dead," Jimin mumbles carefully, trying not to say something that shouldn't be mentioned.

Jungkook sighs deeply and curses Namjoon inside his head. "My mate... isn't dead. I can sense him right now," Jungkook tells seriously and locks his eyes with Jimin, swallowing nervously, but hiding it fastly. He needs to be the strong one.

The only thing in Jimin's mind is how the hell all that is connected to him. They stare at each other till Jimin realizes Jungkook isn't going to continue.

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