Chapter 14

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"Ah Baby that was so good, let's go again! " she started dragged her nails up my abs as if she was really seducing me, sure it use to, but now not so much.

The blankets were wrapped around her naked body as we had just finished our third round. It wasn't even morning yet. Barley three am.

Pillows were thrown off the bed in different parts of the room and her clothes, well they were ripped due to me. Which made a smirk appear on my face.

Stacy started to kiss my neck when someone started banging on my door, causing me to growl " God dammit! What is it?! "

I picked up my boxers which were thrown next to the bed and picked out jeans from an open drawer of mine, not bothering which ones they were.

As I roughly opened the door Seth was standing there with sweat running down his forehead and his clothes were sloppy as if he had put them on in a rush.

" What?! " I hissed at him, as my grip on my door tightened.

He looked from me to Stacy then nodded to the hallway already walking down the stairs. Seth was only like this when something serious was going on and I frowned grabbing a white t-shirt from my closet rushing out of the room not bothering to tell Stacy where I was headed.

As I walked into my office Trey was sitting at a chair next to my desk with bags under his eyes as if not getting enough sleep.

" What is all the commotion going on at this time? " I asked as I rounded my desk. Looking between the two Trey shrugged and looked at Seth.

" I don't know I had just got home from rounds when Seth came and got me. " he rubbed his eyes and letting out a sigh.

Seth looked at me " I had called the Hemming family to ask, well I had called the alpha to see if we could schedule another meeting—"

I slammed my hands on my desk " THIS IS WHAT YOU GOT ME UP FOR? " just as I was about to go around my desk and grab him he opened his mouth again.

" The alpha didn't answer, it was her third in Command. Gret, he said the alpha was in the hospital of unknown cause. Doctors say they don't know when she'll wake up. A pack member says early that day when they had came home from here he found her in her office. She was trying to claw her brains out, Gret says she's been in a tough position but there's more to it he doesn't understand. But that wasn't the reason she's in the put in the hospital. " as he finished my wolf went ballistic in my head.

All your fault you idiot! You god damn idiot!! Take me to my mate.

" Later on when the pack member was taking care of her, he said he stepped out of her room for a minute to grab the first aid kit to clean her wounds. Just as he was getting to her room she just started screaming. The crazy part is he says when he found her, her back was bent. Like folded, she was screaming in so much pain. As he went to lay her on her bed her screams turned into pleas for help. That's as far as they would tell me. " Seth was pacing the room while he ended his explanation.

My breathing had becoming raged, I had no idea. I just met her and she was already in the fucking hospital!

You fool! All of it is your fault for sleeping with her! Your whore of a luna, a poor of an excuse! God dammit! You better hope she makes it through this, she can die from you doing this. You fool!!!

My wolf wasn't helping in the moment, but I had no idea it would affect her like this. I had no idea why I was hurting so much to hear this. I mean she was nothing.

Her hair was brown, not blonde. Her eyes, green with yellow specks. But they seemed to change color, not blue. She wore jeans that hugged her perfectly, not short dresses not short skirts. She wore tank tops that showed her breast, oh her breast how I so wanted-

Suck on it Alpha.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz