Getting out

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Dex P.O.V

I was panicking. The others didn't notice, they probably thought that she had vanished. But I knew better. I couldn't feel her presence anymore. She was definitely not in this room. And if i couldn't get us out of here, she was doomed. And so were we.

Then it happened. I knew it would. Smart Biana had escaped and had ripped off Fintan's thinking cap. I didn't take the time to see if Grady had him under control, because at that moment, she screamed. And it broke my heart. 

I redoubled my intense trying of opening the door, Biana's screams echoing in my backround.

I tried blocking out the sound to concentrate on getting this darned door opened, but I couldn't. Her screams were echoing in my head, and my hands were shaking way too much. So I decided to go with the simplest option: blast the door open. I could hear Sophie and the others battling the gorgodon, and them urging me to get the door open. Everything was a blur and the only thing I could think about was how to get to Biana.

And then, finally. The stupid door opened. Relief coursed through my veins, but it was quickly replaced by panic. 

"BIANA" I yelled.

The others rushed through, Fitz pale and sweaty, followed by Marella and Tam, who were supporting Linh, and then Sophie, who was hloding a very bad looking Grady. Then of course, Ro and the goblins came, all in a storm of fierce and determined faces.

After a painful two minutes we found the door that led up the stairs. And according to Ro, Biana's smell led up it. Of course, the bodoguards went through first, while we had to stay at the bottom, our hearts racing as we waited. Finally, Ro came back and told us "to be prepared for some serious weirdness". Whatever that meant...

But, no suprise there, all we found were more mirrors. I was seriously getting sick of mirrors. Suddenly, something in my mind clicked. If the mirrors reflected... then there should be a mirror that acctualy was a door!When I let the others know about what I had discovered, we found the door and charged through it, to find Biana passed out in a pool of blood.

A Dexiana story **DISCONTINUED**Where stories live. Discover now