Chapter 3. You again?

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"Oh fuck! A-arianaaaa" I moaned out, looking down at the platinum haired girl beneath me. She gripped my hips as I rode her face. I grabbed onto the headboard for more support. "Oh god, Ariana, I'm going to cum" I screamed out. I felt a funny feeling in my stomach while my hips started jerking all over the place. Her mouth was so warm, and her tongue was just..magical...oh god. "I'm cumming!!!"


"Y/N!!! Wake up bitch! Your moaning fucking woke me up!", Clarissa yelled. My eyes widened, it was just a dream. "Oh my god! Clarissa, I'm so sorry" I apologized. I covered my face as I felt my cheeks getting warm. "Yeah, you better be sorry. Now get ready! we have class" Clarissa replied, walking out of my room

After you're done getting ready.....

"Clarissa, you don't understand..It's not just a regular wet dream, it was a wet dream about some random girl. That shouldn't happen, and she's not even that cute." I said to Clarissa. Well...maybe she is that cute, but I still barely know her. "Girl, whatever. That happens all the time. Now we can talk about this later, we're at class now", Clarissa's right, we were at class.

Oh school, oh how much I hate school. It's only my first year of college and I'm already tired of this bullshit ass school. My professor is so old and ugly, all of mine are. I expected them to be at least decent, like in those TeacherxStudent stories on wattpad...but whatever, that's fiction anyway.

I sat down at my desk, ready to hear about the next project that's due in 2 days, I never finish them anyway. That's probably why my grades about bummy as fuck right now. Just playing, they not that bad I just got a little C in one of my classes.

"So, I will be telling you guys your partners for you next project. I will also be handing out your topics. It is due on May 12th." Mr. Clark said to us. Oh yeah, school is going to be out very soon. I'm so ready for summer 2018, shit is going to be on and popping!

"Brianna and Chyenne, Jalaya and Jaslyn, Rashaad and Christian, Y/N and Michael" Mr. Clark announced. Fuck yes! I'm with my crush. I know what you're thinking, crushes are for high school..blah blah. But he's actually my crush, what can I say? I'm pretty innocent.

I got up from my seat after Mr. Clark dismissed class and met up with Michael. "So.. my house? Or yours." I asked him. "Uh, actually....I was thinking about going out. Ya know, having some fun" Michael replied, smirking. Did Michael just ask me out? Like on a fucking date? Nevermind, let me get my head out of my ass. "Yes! I meant sure, did you know Pluto isn't a planet anymore?" I asked nervously. Oh yeah, did you know i say random facts when I get nervous? Well, it doesn't matter if you knew or not, you know now. "Uh, no.." Justin replied awkwardly. "See you after school!" I yelled, speed walking away from him.

Later on that day...

"Michael, I'm having so much fun!" I exclaimed, while playing air hockey with him. "Maybe because you're winning every damn game! Maybe you should go easy on me for once", Michael grunted. "I mean, I've always been a winner" I say, flipping my long hair. "Haha, whatever" Michael replied chuckling.

I went over to the counter of the arcade to get some food, because a bitch was hungry. "Can I get a-" I started to say until i got cut off. "Hey again, princess", I hear from a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Ariana. Ugh, not her again. "Oh hey...Ariana", I say nervously. "What brings you here?" I ask her. "You" she replied while smirking. Oh-, wait a damn this crazy bitch stalking me? "Um, I got to go" I say, quickly trying to walk away. I felt her grab on my arm. "You're not going no fucking where, you're coming with me" she snickered, pulling me out the arcade. Oh fuck no! I'm being kidnapped!!


"Uh, where the hell are you taking me?!" I yelled at her. "You'll see, and stop looking at me like that" she said to me while giving me a goofy ass smile. I just want to slap it right off of her beautiful, irresistible, admirable, gorgeous face...anyway. "I'm calling my mother!" I screamed. "You bet not!", she growled at me before snatching my phone away from me. "Fine" I hissed, crossing my arms. She ain't have to take my phone, I wasn't even going to call her. I'm kinda looking forward to go to wherever she's taking me, even though it's taking for fucking ever to get there.

We arrived at some little the middle of fucking no where. "Uhm, why the fuck did you take me here?" I questioned Ariana. "It's one of my favorite places to go to, and I wanted to take get to know you" she giggled, taking my hand and walking me into the Sunrise diner. I wonder why it's called Sunrise diner if it's 24 hours..whatever.

We heard the little bell as we walked in, "What's up, Ari", some man said as we walked up to the counter. "Hey, Carlos!" Ariana said cheerfully as she dapped him up. "Who's this lovely lady? You've never brought a girl here", he joked. "She's a friend", she laughed. "Well, what do you guys want?" he asked us. "Uh, let me get a uhhhhhhh...a uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... a fuckin ham uhhhh", Ariana dragged on. "Nigga, you gettin a hamburger" he chuckled, "and for the pretty brunette?" he said nicely, looking at me. "The same thing she's having", I requested with a closed lip smile.

We walked over to a booth table and sat down. "So, talk about yourself, pretty." Ariana insisted. "I'd rather not" I breathed out, rubbing my arms. "Please? I came here to get to know you and that's exactly what i'm going to do" she stated. "Fine, so what do you want to hear?"

2 hours later

"And guess what she said? She said stop talking to me! Like after all i did for that dirty bitch, she's just going to blow me off like that" I laughed out. I'm actually have a good time, crazy right? "You're cute" Ariana giggled, smiling at me. I smiled back at her, and we stayed like that for a moment. "You guys alright?", Carlos asked, standing beside our table. "Yeah we're alright" she muttered. She looked at her watch, "It's getting pretty late, you wanna go?" Ariana asked me. "Yes, please" I answered while getting up.

"Bye, Carlos!" Ariana and I both shouted while walking out the diner. Ariana went to the passenger side and opened the door. "For my princess", she giggled. I hopped in and she closed the door behind me.

After sitting in silence for about 20 minutes I decided to speak up. "You know, I had a very good time, despite the fact that you basically kidnapped me" I admitted. "I did too, but anyway we're here" she said as she turned her fancy ass gray Range Rover off. "Um, this isn't my dorm building.." I noted, looking at the big ass mansion in front of me. I wasn't even paying attention enough the realize we were driving down a long ass driveway for the past 3 minutes. "Obviously", she murmured,getting out the car and walking up to the door. "This is my house, you'll be staying here for the night." she explained to me.

I quickly hopped out the car, "I am not staying at a strangers home! Are you out of your mind?!" I scolded her. "Shhhh! People will hear you!" she whispered. "You live in the middle of no where..." I grumbled. "I know!" she snorted, walking into her house.

"Feel free to explore this masterpiece called my home! I also have a personal Arcade, a bowling alley, and a movie theater. and don't mind my chef, she'll be cooking breakfast tomorrow morning. So, if you have any requests, just tell her." she told me walking over to me. "I'm taking you out tomorrow, so be ready at 10. And yes, I planned this whole thing out. Your dress is on the bed in the room I want you in. Be sure to ONLY sleep in there, I'm serious Y/N" she stated, looking at me with her eyebrows lifted. "What about school?" I asked Ariana. "Don't worry about that, I have everything covered. Goodnight, Y/N" Ariana said, kissing my forehead.

What the actual fuck. Okay, first of all, I technically got kidnapped, I'm sleeping in a strangers home, I have no phone, I'm going to miss school, Clarissa is going to flip the fuck out, I left Michael at the mall Arcade, what's next? I need to go to sleep, today has been stressful.

A/N: Hey y'all...back for editing purposes but why did I make Carlos say nigga?? NOOOO, ugh I'm so slow Carlos is a whole Mexican why is he saying nigga☠️☠️

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