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the vinyl keeps turning as it plays can't help falling in love.

my dorm room is empty, sad, and depressing. i don't move to unpack as i sit in silence, the music keeping me company.

i left the losers after richie's rejection. i figured that it was best so that richie could still have friends. sacrificing my own social group to give him happiness.

it is now 1992, i haven't spoken to the losers since we were all 16. i moved schools for the rest of my high school years to avoid them.

but here i am, in New York University, waiting for my dorm mate to arrive.

just as i stand to change the vinyl, the door unlocks to reveal a female wearing blue jeans and a red sweater with a vinyl printed on it, to top it off, she has long red hair.

"holy shit, y/n?!"

party tattoos; richie tozier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now