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[ ugh im back ]


i was dreading saturday with my whole life. it was like i was a 16 year old kid waiting for richie to come through my window again!

but now, as i wait for stan to arrive while being surrounded by the millers, it doesn't seem too bad.

sebastian is way more nervous than i am. that's pretty fair for him being the boyfriend of the miller's only kid, her family has high expectations.

althea spots me in the group, feeling a little uneasy. she whispers something to sebastian and she walks over to me.

"hey, don't lose hope. i promise stan will be here soon. he's always la-"

she gets cut off by a relative, "oh, althea play something for us! we haven't heard you play in years!" followed by some cheers. althea rolls her eyes and i chuckle.

she walks over to the piano that takes a large part of their tiny apartment though not being a total grand piano. she plays part of your world from a movie called the little mermaid. it came out two years ago and i've still never seen it.

sebastian takes a seat next to me and says, "althea's parents like bill better." he sniffs. i turn to look at him and i can tell he's hiding back tears. "i'm sorry to hear that." i frown.

i spent thirty minutes of privately comforting him (thus sebastian ending in their shared bedroom) and one hour of awkwardly sitting in the corner as my friend tries to take any chance she can get to move over to me but failing multiple times.

then it became apparent that he wasn't coming. i felt like i was being stood up on a date!

"hey, y/n!" althea called. "can you go downstairs and let someone in?"

"yeah, who is it?" i asked while walking to the door. "i think it's stan."

i took the elevator down, thinking of what i'd say to him. i got to the lobby and expected to see stan.

oh, fuck no.

party tattoos; richie tozier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now