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i took her advice for a while until i remembered the soft touch of the boy who brought me back. i still didn't know his name. i don't even remember his voice! i just wanted to be cared for.

so, i started to drink and crash every party on campus. parties were regular, drinking was regular for me too.

on many of these nights, the boy always brought me to my room. althea never telling me who it is.

this night was no different, i slurred my words after my fifth drink and the same boy cradled me in his arms and walked me back.

"let's get you home, skinny-dipper." he mentioned the name richie always called me. my vision was blurry and my mind was clouded. "richie tozier used to say that," i giggled. "you'd be surprised." he chuckled.



i brought y/n back to her room, knocking on the door. the response i got was, "who is it?!"

"it's richie!" i yell in response. i hear her shuffle to the door as she opens it wearing barely anything.

"come in, tozier." she smiled at me, her best friend. i greeted sebastian with a nod as he slipped his shirt over althea and laid back into her bed, reading some of althea's lyrics on her notebook.

by then, y/n was fast asleep on my shoulder as i struggled to hold her up. "rough night?" she asked me as i tucked y/n into her bed.

i sat on the nearest chair and responded, "definitely." she passed me a soda. "why do you bother to keep doing this, man? you go to these parties just to bring her home." sebastian asked me as i opened my soda.

"he does it 'cause he still loves her, seba." she smiled at her boy.

"so... are you two together yet?" i asked to change the subject. "yep. how's bill's never-ending crush and regret?" she asked as she straddled seb. "the usual."

"i'm gonna leave you two to have sex, alright?" i stood up and sighed, leaving the advil from my pocket on y/n's bedside table and pouring her glass of water.

"thanks for the soda. goodnight, miller." i said my farewell and walked to my room, thinking about y/n throughout the way.

party tattoos; richie tozier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now