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instead of the party, althea urged me to come to shaw's bar to hang out with the losers. it was her special night as she was playing at that bar and invited all of her friends. it had been halfway through the night and all of them had at least two drinks. richie eyed me from across the room as althea played a slightly jazzy song called another day of sun.

my condition sucked. everyone was hanging out with someone or listening to the star of the night. while i sat alone at the bar, drinking away as if alcohol was my best friend.

althea would be disappointed but not surprised. i had given up on the "good college student" act and decided to keep drinking.

i was so drunk at one point. too drunk to be near people. i don't remember much other than being loud and a disturbance. something about screaming "your music sucks!" over and over.

once again, i was being taken home by the curly haired mystery boy.



embarrassed, i took y/n out of the bar. sad that i had to miss the rest of my best friend's gig. this was becoming a chore for me. a chore that i should hate but i love so much.

i finally tuck her into her bed and place the advil next to a glass of water. "c-curly boy," she giggled. "kiss me goodnight."

"i really shouldn't," i nervously giggle. "jus' on the forehead." she muttered and suddenly fell asleep.

"i suppose," i kissed her forehead. "goodnight, shortstack."



as you could've predicted, i woke up with a hangover. this time, althea wasn't here to nurse me and help me forget about my stupidity. for once, a part of the night came rushing into my head as i look at her neat bed.

oh my god, i am an idiot.

i rushed out of the door and knocked repeatedly on her boyfriend's door. chris opened the door, "y/n, i don't think you should be in here right now."

"please, i'm sorry for being an asshole!" i pleaded, seeing her tearful face as she is comforted by seb. i am locked out and left to cry again.

i have a terrible alcohol problem.


days pass and i maintain my drinking habits, focusing on class more than ever.

i never run past the curly haired boy nor do i see althea. i still try to fix my fuck ups but it'll be hard to when i'll miss the touch of the sweet boy.

party tattoos; richie tozier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now