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miraculously, i woke up before my alarm and took the pill that was also miraculously next to me. to my right, sebastian laid peacefully holding althea's bare body. he was awake and smiled at me as a good morning. i smiled with a small wave, not caring to think about last night.

i got up to make breakfast for the three of us, coffee to go with it. it was saturday, no classes. i set two of the eggs on toast on a tray with two coffees and put it on althea's bedside as sebastian muttered a thanks.

i sat by the window and ate quietly. i was content, knowing that the same boy brought me home last night.

soon, the couple is awake and both eating silently.

"hey, guys? there's a party tonight and i was wondering if–"

"no, y/n. we aren't getting drunk with you at another lame party." althea confirmed as she continued to eat with sebastian. "plus, we're still studying. we shouldn't be drinking anyway." she sipped her coffee and turned her attention back to the television.

"well, other college students do it too." i puffed my chest out, proud and stubborn to admit that what i was doing is wrong.

"fine, you can go. just make sure you know how to get home."

i always know how to get home.

the knock on our door interrupts my angry thoughts.

"come in, richie!" althea screams as the door opens to reveal the tozier himself. "quick, grab a seat." richie does as she says and she adds her jeans to the shirt sebastian had worn the night before. "what's he doing here?" i ask althea silently.

"we're doing a music theory project. a music video on a song that would relate to the masses." she smiles and runs her hand through sebastian's hair as he clings onto her for dear life, muttering something about wanting her to stay in bed with him.

for half an hour, her and richie would continue writing and fixing up things they didn't like in the lyrics. they talked to sebastian too.

far later on, i got curious and asked, "what's the song called?" i ask her as i avoid richie's heart-eyed gaze, distracted from tuning the small instrument.

"party tattoos." she grins and changes into a beautiful, short yellow dress with blue flowers lightly placed around it. sebastian dresses up too as i watch richie play the song without singing.

richie plays the song and the backing vocals as sebastian compliments his girlfriend.

they place a camera in front of them as well as their microphone and we both watch as they perform.

althea sang softly, slowly playing the piano at some parts and richie did the backing vocals perfectly with the ukulele. he looked amazing. he was so gentle, plucking the strings softly in proper tune. his face covered by his curls as he looks down and pays attention to playing the song, only looking up to go closer to the mic when doing vocals.

the song almost felt too short as they stopped the recording. "was it good?" she looked at both me and sebastian, both of us staring in awe at the two. him specifically looking at althea. me looking at richie.

"guys?" richie asked and giggled. "i fucking loved it," sebastian grinned as he stared at his girlfriend.

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