Chapter 2

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>>>>Independence Day: Chapter 2

The drive back to England's house was pretty long, and nonetheless quite boring. America had been down the same winding roads before, though the beautiful green grass and old buildings of this nation never ceased to amaze him. It gave him a nostalgic feeling, remembering what old shops and houses used to be where and sometimes even people he would meet that were always so kind to him as a kid.

"Sooo..." The American started, looking over at the Brit in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "Your birthday's going to be this week, isn't it?" England asked, glancing over for a second then looking back to the road in front of him. "Oh, yeah it is! Me and Tony and maybe Japan are going to have a kick-ass party when I go back!" America cheerfully replied, sitting up in his seat slightly.

"Well, I was thinking since you're going to be here that day, I'd take you out for a drink or something." His face turned a light shade of pink. "Really? Dude you don't have to do that." England turned down another short road that led to his house, turning into his parking space and turning his old car off. "Of course I do! It's your birthday do you really expect me not to do anything?" England opened the door to let himself out, America doing the same and grabbing his bags. The Brit did have a point though; it was his birthday after all. "Besides," the Brit continued, opening the door to his home for his friend and clicking the living room light on. "It would be very un-gentlemanly for me to just not do a thing for you, especially with you staying with me for the week." he walked upstairs, looking back at America to see that he was following him. The stairs led to a dim hallway filled with paintings and doors that led to different rooms and a storage closet at the very end that appeared untouched for ages. The wallpaper appeared to be slowly decaying from the walls, though the smell of tea and tudor roses lingered throughout the aged establishment. It was all so familiar to America, though things had obviously changed since he had last been here. England motioned for him to stay put, and he did so, as the Brit examined a room to the left. "Ugh, shit." he huffed, closing the door behind him. "Well I uh- I don't have an extra room for y-"

"Aw don't worry about it!" the American smiled as happily as ever [though appearing a bit too happy.] he cleared his throat and rubbed his neck nervously. "U-uh. What I mean is, I can sleep on the couch or whatever. I'm cool with that and all..."

"I'm not going to let you do that you git. How's sleep in my bed and I'll sleep out there on the couch."

America leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms and positioning a leg over the other. "No way dude. This ain't my house and it wouldn't be very heroic of me anyways."

England groaned, looking down and shaking his head. "Quit being such a stubborn mule why don't you! I'm trying to be nice."

There was a small pause.

"Well..." America started, his face growing a darker shade of red that wasn't very visible due to the dimness of the hall. "We could always sleep together."

England blushed as well, his heart beginning to speed up. Why am I getting so excited about this?

H-he's...he's sort of like a brother isn't he..?

"A-America don't say things like that. We're both men. You realize how inappropriate that is don't you?"

"Man, really? It's your house, It's not like we're going to be doing anything besides sleeping anyways."

The Brit sighed in defeat, unsure of what to say after that. "Whatever. Fine. But get anywhere close to me while we're sleeping don't think I won't hesitate to put a curse on you." he frowned, slightly disappointed that England didn't trust him that much, but shrugged it off. "Alright, deal." he smiled, picking his bag back up. England took the bag from him and took it to a room on the opposite end of the hall. "H-Hey wait! I got it don't worry about it!" he followed behind, walking into the old room.

Memories shot through mind of all the stormy nights he spent in this room.


The small American darted into the dark room, jumping onto his older 'brother'.

"Hnn...'Mericaaa....Wh..what's wrong?"


"Waaa! Engwa-aaand!"

"Bloody hell..." the Brit muttered. America always got so upset over storms like this.

He picked America up and put him in his lap. "There there...It's not going to get you." He layed down, holding the boy with him. "I won't let anything hurt thunder or lightning bolt will get you. I swear to that."  America's cries slowed and turned into gentle sniffles as the thunder continued to shout. "You're kind of like I superhero. I wanna be like that when I grow up."

England was quite taken aback by the statement, though flattered by the younger nations kind words. "I'm no superhero, I can assure you that. But I hope one day you'll grow to be a very strong and powerful nation."


"Heyy...uh. Americaaaaa...?"

America snapped out of his daze. "Oh shit. What?"

"Are you alright? You're crying."

He felt his face. Dammit...why does this keep happening?

"Oh crap! Sorry. I'm fine seriously. Uh. Where do you you want me to put my stuff at?"

"Uh...there's an empty drawer over there. You can put your toothbrush and everything in the bathroom."



Wooo 2nd chapter! My goal was to get the story completed by Independence day but for obvious reasons that won't happen. *le sigh* hope you enjoy though, keep reading and voting and comments, of course, are always appreciated. I'm losing inspiration on my other story [due to not knowing where the hell it's going heh] but yeah. Hope you like it!

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