Chapter 1

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        >>>>Independence Day: Chapter 1

England shot up from his bed, snapping into reality. Bloody hell...It was just another dream. His room was darkened by his closed curtains and the lack of lights in his room in general. Groggily, he glanced over to the digital clock that sat on his perfectly polished night stand: 9:37 June 29, 2014. "Damn," he sighed as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "That was almost... 238 years ago."

238 years, when he lost the thing he loved the most...

He forced himself out of his bed to put on more proper attire than pyjamas, then combed the small knots from his blonde hair. He slipped on a simple T-Shirt with the words "Bring Me the Horizon" and a the band's emblem for its newest album underneath as well as a pair of dark, faded jeans that were a little bit too big the blasted American decided to give him as a birthday present. Once he had finished getting dressed, he stood in front of his mirror and pressed his lips together. The mirror in front of him had to be at least 100 years old; its age clearly showed on the rims and the corners. He groaned, trying to fix his over sized eyebrows and attempted to fix the stray hairs on his hair that seemed to just stick right back out as they did before. With a groan, he turned to go to his kitchen to hear his phone begin to ring.


America sat boredly in his small hotel room with absolutely nothing to do. He was staying in England for a week on business that his boss and England's [which sadly he couldn't decline] No good shows were on, he was too lazy to make a quick run to McDonald's, and he didn't have any games to play besides on his phone. His phone... "I know! I'll call England! It's not like he ever has anything he's doing!" He exclaimed as he shot up from his seat, finding himself immediately falling back into the chair with an oof and pushing himself back up again to retrieve his phone and dialling the Brit's number, impatiently waiting for him to pick up the phone. The phone began to rang as he unplugged his phone and readjustes himself. After what felt like forever, the ringing stopped. "Hello?"

"Yooooo British dude!"

"Is there something you need America?"

"Well uh, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out 'cause I'm like, super bored."

England's breath caught in his throat. Hang out...Why would he want to 'hang out' with me?

England was already well aware of the American's stay in London. Though he wanted to invite his sort-of friend to stay with him, he felt a bit embarrassed to ask and that America would take it the wrong way.

"Ehm! I-I'm busy at the moment. Sorry America."

"Oh really? Doing what?"

"Well that's none of your damn business now is it!"

There was a small pause on the American's side, then he laughed. "I can tell when you're lying, England."

Another pause. The Brit sighed of defeat and rolled his eyes.

"Ugh. Alright. I'll come over there in a bit. Just let me take care of a couple things."

"Yeah cool! See you later then!"

There was no response, just a click letting America know the other had hung up. With a shrug, he set his phone down and sighed, sitting back where he was before and closing his eyes.


Memories of that day flooded his mind, taking complete control of all of his senses. He still remembered, to the day, every single word that was said. How the rain sounded almost peaceful, yet so loud. The gash that remained on his musket that could never be removed.

"Hey Britain!"

Why is it that now those words hurt more than ever? Was it because they had grown so far apart ever since?

"All I want is my freedom...!"

Watching the man he loved more than anything on his knees in tears...

The same story always seemed to replay in his head around this time of year like a broken record that never seemed to be fixed.

His body remained frozen and unable to move but his mind was racing. Tears slowly streamed down his face.

That day dream was soon broken by a loud knock at the door.

America shot up from where he was laying and quickly wiped his face. He cursed under his breath as he got up to open the door. He slid the lock to the side and opened the door. "Oh hey England. That was pretty fast."

The Brit cocked his head. "It's been about 30 minutes...?" America furrowed his eyebrows, but just proceeded to shake it off. "Well you can come in. It's kinda messy but whatever. What do you wanna do?" he smiled. England looked around the small hotel room filled with McDonald's wrappers strewn about, an old game boy on his bed, and an American flag blanket draped across the bed.

America lazily plopped onto the bed with a smile. "I don't have much to do around here which sucks." England nodded and sat in a obviously aged chair that creaked in agony as he sat down. "Mmm. I've noticed. Why'd you get such a cheap hotel room?"

America shrugged. "I dunno dude. It's pretty creepy in this old place." he replied, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey...America...Have you been crying?"

America's heart jumped. Shit, he could tell??

"Pssh nah heroes don't cry!"

England rolled his eyes at the childish remark. "You're eyes are swollen and I could hear your voice shaking when you opened the door. You do remember I was the one who raised you?"

"Am I that obvious? Ugh that's so not cool. Alright, whatever; I was. I was asleep when I did it"

"Was it a bad dream or something?"

The American sighed, running his hands back and forth on his knees. "I don't know. It's not necessarily that it was a bad dream. I'd rather not talk about it."

"Alright. I won't force you I suppose. Well about you just come stay at my place? It's far better than this run-down place." England suggested, getting up from the immensely uncomfortable chair and straightening out his pants. "Wait really?! That'd be awesome!" America answered, sounding a bit too happy. "You git, don't sound so happy about it! I was just trying to be nice." the Brit scoffed. "Well come on then. Let's go ahead and get your things together. Here, I'll help yo-"

"Oh no I got it it's cool!" America interrupted with a nervous smile and his cheeks gently turning a faint shade of red. England gave the American a confused look as he quickly began to pick up all of his things and shove them all into a black suit case. He made sure to keep all of his belongings completely secure and lifted it up, grabbing the keys to the room. "Well. Let's go."

Hello everyone! I apologize for the slow beginning, just stay around for a bit. Trust me, it'll get better. This is my 3rd Hetalia fanfiction on Wattpad and mostly likely won't be the last. Don't forget that if you'd like a one-shot of any specific ship I'm still doing them [shameless promotion I apologize. xD]

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