Chapter 4

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>>>>Independence Day: Chapter 4 <<<<

"Owww...Son of a bitch." The American groaned, squinting his eyes at the what it felt like to be blinding light. Looking around the room, he saw the same surroundings as before. An old, worn out couch that was almost as old as he was, a lamp, a coffee table, and England, who stood over him. "Well it took you long enough to wake up. You were so out I thought I'd have to give you mouth-to-mouth to wake you up." he folded his arms, helping him up. "Aghhh. This sucks. How come I was the one who got drunk? It's usually you."

"You said I wasn't allowed to drink, though I should have applied the rule to you as well." he scoffed. "Come along then, I can make you some tea to help your head." The Brit half-smiled and lend a hand to the other, who groggily rejected the assistance. " go ahead. I'll go in there in a little bit." he groaned. He was quite a mess, seeing how he was drunk of his arse.

England sighed and proceeded to the kitchen, reaching into his perfectly organized cupboard to get a pack of Twinning's English Breakfast, one of his personal favourites. He turned the kettle on and leaned against the counter, thinking about the night before. It was so many things happened last night, he just wanted to forget everything that happened. America didn't love him in that way anyways...did he?

"Woahh~ cool! Toy soldiers?" America awed at the gift England had given him: a house with small toy soldiers, each with their own individual faces. "Is this...for me?" the young American looked up in surprise. It was very nice of him to do something like that for him....he would cherish it forever. "Of course~ take good care of it." the Brit smiled, rubbing his head with his free arm, the other being injured from working on the toys. "Thank you England! It's gonna be my good luck charm!" The happu tone turned to worry as he noticed his 'bother's' injured arm. "Hey, England...? Are you hurt?"

"Oh! N-no! I'm fine! Really!"


"Englaaaaand? Dude I think you pot thingy is overflowing." America waved in England's face, snapping him out his short daze. "Wh- oh damn it!" he rushed over and quickly pulled it off the stove, then turning off the burner. The older man poured a bit of the contents into a cup, along with the tea bag and steeped it for a bit, then letting it cool off. This week seemed to be going terribly so far...

"Hey, did I say any thing weird last night?" America rubbed his neck awkwardly due to not only embarrassment but need I remind you is pretty hung over. He knew he had a tendency to tell everyone every little secret about himself when he was drunk, and he didn't want the older nation to possibly know about his growing feelings for the man.

" It was mostly jibberish to me. I could hardly understand a word you said the whole way home." he lied, folding his arms and leaning against the counter again. "Oh, alright. Good. I thought I might've said some reaaally weird shit. Dude, you totally should've videoed me though!"

"You git! Here, sip on this and go put some clothes on!" he handed him the cup which was, by now, drinkable, and shooed the younger nation away. America rolled his eyes and did as he was told, tiredly tripping up the stairs, his vision still a bit out of it. He slid over to his duffle bag and pulled out a tee shirt and a pair of jeans, revealing a small figurine. Shit...! I forgot I had these! Damn it this is the worst. I really hope he doesn't see it. He picked up a couple other articles of clothing and slipped the doll under with a sigh and a small smile. "Help me out today with England won't you?"


Ughhhhh...I despise school. We just got back last week and the new schedule they have us on js horrendous, but at least I got to keep all my advanced classes so...ayee.

Anyways, I apologize for the delay in updating. Hope you enjoy!!

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