Family All Around

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Jamie POV

The girls and I have been with Dakota for three days only three left before the girls and I leave as not to draw attention to the fact that we were in Vancouver. We're taking some of Dakota's things with us to help her move back to LA. I feel Dakota shift for what feels like the hundredth time in the past five minutes. She accidentally woke me up about an hour ago not that she knows that. She tosses again.

"How are you still up? The girls kept you running around set like it was their job today." I ask, she freezes.

"I woke you up?" she asks I hear the ruffle of the pillow as she turns her head turns to look at me I nod.

"Awhile ago." I turn to look at her she has a sheepish smile looking guilty.

"Sorry." her smiling telling me that she's not, that she finds it funny, but her eyes show nothing but tiredness.

"Why can't you sleep?" I ask she shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know but I think I know what might make it better," she says her eyes gleaming. "Oh, yea what's that?" I question.

"Hold me," she says, I immediately extend my arm.

"Now that I can do." She cuddles into my side tucking her head into my neck. I run my fingers through her hair. Something that calms us both. We lay together, I match my breathing to hers. I think Dakota is almost asleep when there's a knock on the door then it squeaks open. Dulcie walks through holding her teddy bear, seen by the dim light coming from the bathroom that we leave on for the girls.

"Daddy, Kota?" she sounds tired, Dakota sits up to look at Dulcie, well I guess I didn't have her almost asleep.

"What's wrong Dulcie? Can't sleep?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Elva, woke me up, she crying," Dulcie says, I throw back the blankets and get up, I hear Dakota get up but I just walk down the hall towards the girl's room. I walk in the room. Dakota requested a suite with two bedrooms one with two twin beds. I walk to the second bed, I can hear her quietly crying and mumbling, and squat down in front of my youngest's head and brush the hair out of her face and call her name. After a minute she wakes up whimpering.

"Daddy." Her eyes have raindrop tears falling down her cheeks.

"I scared." She said.

"Did you have a bad dream?" I ask her she nods. I pick her up and kiss her forehead.

She wraps her arm around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. I grab her stuffed lamb, she takes it and holds it against her chest with one arm.

"There you go, there's Lamby." I turn to take her to walk her up and down the hallway like I always do to lull her back to sleep.

There leaning against the door in my white v-neck is Dakota she's holding Dulcie's hand. Elva sees her and lifts her head.

"Kota." She calls and I walk to Dakota Elva reaches for her. Dakota takes her holding her on her hip and without missing beat, she places a kiss atop my daughters' temple.

"Do you wanna sleep with Kota and Daddy?" Dakota asks Evla sniffles and nods. I pick up Dulcie and follow Dakota back into our bedroom. We get situated with both girls laying on our chests Dakota and I so close our shoulders are touching. I get Dulcie situated with the blankets. Then look a Dakota and see her rubbing Elva's back. She's perfect. I kiss Dulcie's head. "It looks like all my girls are having trouble sleeping tonight," I say, Dulcie lifts her head from my chest.

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