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HI all! two things 1. I realised that my timeline was a tiny but screwed up so you may want to go back and reread the plane ride home scene, it affects this chapter. 2 I am nowhere near a doctor so please keep that in mind I tried. Alright thats it, Enjoy! (okay that's three things)

Dakota POV

We are sitting at my the kitchen island. I'm in a ruby red glitter halter top, black skinny jeans, and ruby red heels, my hair braided and thrown over my shoulder. Jamie is in black converse black jeans, a black button up dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows and a ruby red tie that I know he put on just for me.

Damn, he looks good. Handsome, Beautiful, Sexy, fucking hot. We both do, not that we can go anywhere. It's Valentine's day, and we are sitting at my kitchen island. Freed is out though so only a few more months. I look at the red roses Jamie gave me the second he walked through the door. They are beautiful.

"Thank you again for the Roses. They're beautiful."

Jamie looks up from his piece of chocolate cake. "You are very welcome." He smiles.

I decide it's time to give Jamie his gift. I get up and get it out of the drawer and walk back into my seat. I slide the tiny box over to him.

"Dakota, we agreed, no presents."

"You brought me flowers, so just open the damn present." I say he chuckles and pulls the black ribbon off the red wrapped the box. After ripping the paper he takes the lid off and takes out the silver keychain. He looks at me as he holds the representation of my heartbeat. I explain.

"That's what my actual heartbeat looks like when I see you. One of my friends helped me draw out my heartbeat. We got an initial reaction with help from Stella and my mom. Stella hid the video that you sent me when I was sick a couple of months ago and you took the girls to visit your dad and Samina. She hid it in tons of videos of her and her friends she was telling me all about what they've been up to, and then randomly you popped up and that spike is real. The nurse who was running the machine was male, gay, fifty-five, very funny and sweet. He had them show me another picture of you this time I knew it was coming. Stella looked up the photo of you filming Darker. The one of you in the blue suit and the umbrella, you know the one, it's one of my favorites. And that heartbeat happened again. And again. So that is the heartbeat that happens every time I see you. So I had our initials engraved because that only happens with you."

I watch as he looks from me to the keychain he's holding, he traces my heartbeat lightly. He looks at the keychain with a gentle intensity, he looks back up at me, I can see the love in his eyes.

"Dakota, this is amazing, I love it." He sounds so amazed by the gift, I beam with pride at his reaction, he leans over and I lean in and we share in an earth-shattering kiss.

When we let out Jamie gets up and walks over to the chair by the kitchen table he pulls out a card. He brings it over to me and hands to me.

"You know I don't like being told when I should show that I love you but, I do love you. So, this is for you." On the white envelope written in his very neatest writing is my name.

"Will you read it to me?" I ask, sometimes Jamie will read me poems and we'll just be. He nods, holds out his hand, I link our fingers together as he leads us to the black big comfy lounge chair in the living room. Jamie sits, and pulls me in between his legs and sits me between them we both put our feet up on the autumn. His legs outlining mine. I lean back into Jamie's chest and give him the card. Jamie sighs and places a kiss on my temple. He takes the seal flap out of the main part of the envelope. He pulls out the card, puts the envelope next to us and begins reading.

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