The Highs and Lows

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Dakota POV

We're on location, the Grey's mansion, for the engagement party. We were waiting for wardrobe to have my dress ready there was a small problem with it, my hair and makeup is done. Rita, Eloise and I are all talking and goofing off and I see Jamie doing the same thing with the crew by the front door. Rita tells a story, I half listen as I watch Jamie laugh at something one of our crew members says. This is the first time I've seen him all day, we're night shooting so he spent the day with his girls, while I spent the day in my room calling the family and checking in on everyone.

"Okay, Dakota," Rita says in a knowing voice.

I look back at her, "What?"

"Just go talk to Jamie, You haven't seen him all day, he was with the girls." Eloise picks up, "You guys have practically been attached at the hip since you guys said I love you a couple weeks ago.... Longer actually."

"Well, we work together." I reason.

"Ah ah, no you can not cry 'we work together' you guys are in the honeymoon phase. It's perfectly fine that you missed him but don't play dumb." Rita says, "Besides, with as much as Jamie has been watching you I'd say he missed you just as much you missed him maybe a little bit more..." She says looking from him back to me, Eloise gives a cheeky smile, I roll my eyes at them before walking away.

I walk up behind him taking time to appreciate the way his backside looks in the suit that wardrobe put him in. Then I wrap my arms around his chest and he pulls his arms up to his chest which presses his back into my front, I throw my head back and smile.

When I loosen my hold he turns around and discreetly takes my hand by linking his pinky with mine, we have to be careful because the networks are here although they aren't allowed anywhere near the pool house and they're only here for an hour or two

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When I loosen my hold he turns around and discreetly takes my hand by linking his pinky with mine, we have to be careful because the networks are here although they aren't allowed anywhere near the pool house and they're only here for an hour or two. He eyes me with his cat who ate the canary smile and asks, "Are you wearing my sweater?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Oh no, I love you wearing my clothes, I just wanted to make sure."

"I missed you today."

He whispers next to my ear, "I missed you too Baby." and kisses the side of my head.

"Did you have a good time with the girls."

"I did. We watched Frozen again for the thousandth time. Dulcie asked about you she wants to see you again soon."

I smile, "and the baby?"

"Elva is doing amazing."

"What'd you do today?"

"Zepp and I went on a walk and then we started to rewatch a show called The Fall have you ever heard of it?"

"Wow, you really did miss me." I nod confirming the fact.

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