It's Just Us... And The Rest of the World

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Jamie POV

I'm in the car with Dakota and if you ask me the smile on her face says she is just a little too happy to be behind the wheel, she's sporting an overexcited smile. We are filming the scenes where Ana and Christian visit the house and the first part of the chase scene today. We are sitting at the end of the driveway. They call action and Dakota takes off seeding at eighty miles an hour.

"Dakota slow down," I yell, she giggles

"Stop." I brace myself against the dashboard.

"Dakota, Baby, slow down," I yell as she screeches to a stop at the end of the end of the road. Dakota is giggling uncontrollably as Foley walks towards the car. Dakota somehow manages to roll the window down. He leans down so we can see him.

"Jamie that was really good just, don't say Dakota. And Dakota we need you to go thirty, not eighty." James says in a disapproving yet slightly amused voice.

Dakota completely hysterical says "What can I say, I'm a racecar driver." At which point James and I join in on the laughter. When James goes back to his chair and calls reset Dakota reverses and pulls back into the driveway.

"Did I scare you?" She asks chuckling.

"Damn woman. Why would you do that to me?!"

She laughs again. "Oh like you have never sped with me in the car before?" She asks sarcastically.

"Mostly at your pressing I do," I say joking. She smirks and leans over and perches her lips together expecting a kiss I smack my lips to hers then chuckle and shake my head.

Out slips "I love you, Crazy Girl." Dakota's giggling disappears from the car.

"What?" she asks shocked, her face pale her mouth hanging slightly open. I realize what I said. We decided at the start of our romantic relationship we took those three words out of our everyday conversations, I think because we both knew we would say them again, and they would mean something more, not anything better, just more and something deeper. I've been trying to figure out how and when to tell her. Now is a better time than any.

"I do, I love you, Dakota." I say I hold her cheek, "I've been trying to figure out the best way to tell you-" She nuzzles into my hand "It's perfect." tears start falling slowly.

"I love you Jamie." she smiles, I kiss her, and she sniffles, smiles, looks forward and wipes her tears away with the backs of hands. She looks back at me and smiles at me. "Do I look ok?" she asks, I reply with the only word that comes to mind. "Beautiful." I smile at her, grab her by the back of her neck, pull her to me and kiss her. When we pull apart we both have gleams in our eyes.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too." She says with the same smile spread across her face that is mirroring mine. Dakota throws her head back against the seat as James calls reset.

I wake up to see Dakota laying on her side smiling at me. The small gentle smile that she used a lot as Ana but is now reserved for me. Her head resting on her hands.

She sighs, "Morning."

"Hi." I shift on to my side and pull her on to my pillow.

"Do you know what today is?" she asks soft.

"Hmmmm Tuesday?" I put a cheeky smile on as I ask the question rhetorically. She playfully smacks my shoulder.

"That too, no today is May eighth. Do you know what today is?" her voice staying soft as she asks me again.

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