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SORRY this is so late! I wanted to post it on the fourth but that is also my birthday week and it was way more crazy than I anticipated. Enjoy! xoxo G

Jamie POV

I walk into the hotel room instead of hearing the quietness of my girls sleeping I hear my girls in total meltdown. My dad explains that they were watching tv, he was going to put in a movie because it helps them fall asleep in hotel rooms. Dulcie and Elva wanted to watch different things, and thus the meltdown. I sat down with the girls each on a leg, and all of my normal tactics to calm them down but nothing works, then I get an idea and facetime Dakota. After we connect I see Dakota roll her eyes.

"Jamie I told you I'm fine." She says and I can see the second she realizes the girls are crying, the smile she is immediately falls sporting falls.

"Munchkins whats wrong?" Dakota asks looking just as worried ask she sounds.

Dulcie sniffles, before cluing Dakota in, "K-Kota I miss y-you." I knew it. This isn't a movie meltdown this is we miss Dakota meltdown. I recognize the signs, as I've felt like my daughters look since the accident. I watch as she gets sad watching my daughters crying.

"Oh, girlies I miss you too sooo much. Like crazy, but you guys will back with me really soon then we can spend the entire day in Kota and Daddy's bed together ok?" She tells the girls they both nod and just like that in less than five minutes Dakota has stopped the tears, both exhausted from all the crying my girls are sitting in my lap quietly, the only sound their just cried breathing and sniffles.

"So who is with you right now?" I ask, Dakota rolls her eyes.

"You know I do not need a babysitter right?"

"Dakota-" I warn. Just then Tippi leans over into frame.

"I'm here Jamie, I wouldn't let my Grandbaby be all alone, while she's hurt," she says with a smile. before Dakota can argue the girls interrupt

"GG!" my girls call excitedly. GG meaning great gramma.

"Hello, my Angels. Kota misses you guys just as much you miss her she was just telling me that you Miss Dulcie can go through hopscotch all by yourself, and you Miss Elva are sleeping in a big girl bed I am so proud of you both." She says proudly, my daughters beam at Tippi's praise.

Dakota steps back into the conversation, "Now you girls better listen to your Daddy, and get to sleep-"

"You should too." I cut in.

She rolls her eyes and lets out an over an exaggerated sigh. "I'll see you so soon. Just a few days." Dakota promises.

Although she doesn't know that the girls and I are flying back tomorrow instead of Saturday. I didn't want to be away from her that long and based on the girl's temperament they don't either.

"I love you three so so much get some sleep."

"Love you too Baby." The girls each add a "Love you Kota." and we hang up.

I lean back with the girls and hum them to sleep then put them to bed.

When we are on the plane the girls are anxious and just want to be with Dakota just like me. They're having such a hard time I need to pay for wifi for them to watch Netflix. This makes me realize just how helpful having Dakota on the flights the past few months has been. She's amazing with them all the time. But when we are on a plane she keeps them entertained no matter how long the flight is. It must be because of how she flew back and forth so much from parent to parent. Much like my girls now.

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