Safe And Sound...

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Kate's POV:
... Better in person! Oh my GOD! There... standing in front of me was the actual McFly... I mean, seriously?! This doesn't happen to just anyone, does it? They started walking towards us and I had to try really hard not to scream at the sight of them. They're just so gorgeous.

"I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to you guys, you must be really stressed." Tom said.

Megan and I laughed sweetly, but afterwards, I thought it sounded quite weird.

"We heard about what you had been though via the inspector and we said we'd come down to meet you two and, maybe, spend a bit of time getting to know you?" said Dougie.

Obviously for me it was a no-brainer that we wanted to spend time with these guys, as they are my idols, but I tried to act okay with everything and not TOO obsessive.

"Sure" I said.

"Great. Well, when you're ready we'll be in the van, waiting for you" Harry said.

They all then turned around and started walking to the van. Myself and Megan were just staring at their bums... at how nice they were I mean. As soon as the van door was shut, we both looked at eachother in the eyes and screamed and jumped around like total lunatics. Then we heard the van door open, and we stopped jumping.

"Is everything okay?" Tom said, sounding concerned.

We bothe looked at eachother, and that look was a 'we need a plan' kinda look.

Then Megan said, "Yeah we're fine, thank you. I Just saw a spider and I absolutely hate them, so I screamed and then Kate thought I was screaming at something else, so she started screaming."

OMG, thank god for my best friend. She was a life saver.

"Are you coming in or not?" Danny shouted.

"Yeah... okay" I said.

Megan and I linked arms, started walking towards the van and I whispered to her, "you just saved our lives!"

She winked at me as a sign of acknowledgement and then we both got in the car. We had no idea that the boys were taking us to...

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