Chapter Eleven

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Isla's POV

"Are you fucking serious? I'll kill him," Crystal seethed and I pursed my lips sipping on my hot chocolate and a bite of my croissant. 

"Trust me, I don't think I can ever go there again," I said with a shiver and she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Go where?"

"Back to the hotel room, back in bed with Luke, anything to do with him," I watched as she pouted at this and held my hand over the table.

"Stay one more night, please?" She asked and I nodded slowly at her sipping on my drink again.

"Can we have a girls day and then get really drunk please?" I said and she nodded excitedly a me. 

"We'll have a girls night too, I think the boys are going out so we'll have the hotel room to ourselves. It's been a while since I've hung out with females, the boys girlfriends are too busy to go on tour so it's just been me," She pouted and I held her hand now causing her to smile at me.

"Well I'm here and I'll have a girls night with you for sure, shall we go and get the face masks and stuff," I said with a shrug as I began to stand up but she gently held my wrist and tugged me back down.

"What the- why can't we leave?" I said and she shrugged before looking over at the door and I followed her gaze seeing the boys walk in. Well all of them except Luke of course.

"We don't know what's wrong with him,"

"Yeah he's not speaking to us about anything," 

"Well that's fucking rude," Crystal said and Michael wrapped his arm around her. I rested my head on Ashton's shoulder and he hugged me into his side. 

"I know what it is," I said sadly and Ashton looked at me with sympathy.

"I haven't told anyone," He said and I bit my lip looking at everyone. They need to know what a pig there friend is.

"I didn't have sex with him last night because I fell asleep, he said that I shouldn't next time and was with some blonde girl," I pouted and Ashton tugged me closer as he rested his head on mine.

"I can't believe he'd do that," Michael said leaning back on his chair and I looked over at Calum who pursed his lips.

"I can," He said and all of us looked at him confused as hell. "Guys you know the conversation we had last night with him, it obviously scared him because he was getting feelings for Isla,"

I thought it over and it really didn't make any sense. Luke couldn't have feelings about me, he just couldn't. We met two days ago, he's with another girl now it just didn't make any fucking sense.

"Bullshit," I said and stood up quickly. "Crystal don't we need to go and get our nails done?" I said and she nodded at me standing too.

"Boys we're having a girls night tonight so stay out late and please don't let Luke back until late," Crystal said grabbing her bag and passing me mine. Ashton stood up to hug me quickly as the other boys said bye and Crystal and I finally left to get our nails done.

"Appointment for Crystal," She said with a smile and the woman walked us over to a private room. We talked for a while and I decided to get some acrylics, not super long don't worry but they were cute. Crystal's were a little longer than mine but they were really cute. As we left I heard somebody call my name and I turned to see Bella stood there behind me.

"Isla oh my God, you're hanging out with Crystal?" Bella said and I nodded with a tight smile. She lent in for a hug and I gave her one whilst grimacing but she didn't see thank God.

"Yeah we're really busy actually," I said beginning to turn around but her claws were already in my wrist.

"Too busy for your best friend?" She said pulling a fake smile and I narrowed my eyes at her pulling my wrist away.

"Who are we kidding here? You're not my friend anymore Bella," I said with a shiver and she sighed at me.

"When are you going to come and apologise then?"

"Apologise? Me? Were you not there that night?" 

"Look, let's just forget it ok, and go out tonight,"

"No thank you, Crystal and I are having a girls night,"

"Then I'll come over,"

"No," Was all Crystal said and we left her standing there with her mouth hung open.

"Let's get as far away from that bitch as possible," Crystal said as we began to walk away but I heard a voice behind me.

"Just hope you don't see any familiar faces tonight that might cause a few- problems for you and Luke,"

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