Chapter Fifteen

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Isla's POV

"God that was so much better than brunch," I sighed leaning my sweaty body against Luke's in content and his hand slowly ran through my hair.

"Agreed," Luke said kissing the side of my head affectionately. I bit my lip looking up at him and he frowned. "What's up?"

"I really need to pee but I'm comfy," I whined and he chuckled at me pushing my body away so I quickly ran to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and looked around as I peed and furrowed my eyebrows as I locked my eyes on something across the bathroom. I quickly finished up and when I got to the sink I opened his cabinet seeing a box of condoms causing me to giggle, of course he'd buy extra large, well I mean he is but you know- fuck. I moved the box out of the way to find what had originally scared me, a pregnancy test and it was open and empty.

"Luke," I said suddenly feeling my throat dry up and not say it loud enough. "Luke," I repeated loud enough and he soon ran to the door with clothes on now and slipped a top over my shoulder but I soon picked up the test again. "Luke what's this?" I asked shakily passing it him and he furrowed his eyebrows at me taking the small box off me.

"I don't know, maybe it was from the last guest who stayed here?" He laughed a little and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Luke are you serious? Can you please just be honest with me? It was in your cabinet behind your condoms of course it's yours, did you buy it for someone?" I asked and he shook his head at me quickly his arms resting on my shoulders soothingly.

"I promise you, I have no idea who's it is I definitely did not buy it for anyone, I swear. You clearly know I use protection," He said and I bit my lip feeling my eyes water. "Can you just come back to bed?" He asked and I looked up at him, his eyes finally meeting mine.

"Sometimes protection isn't enough," I cried remembering the trouble I had with Ethan. It all came flooding back and I honestly felt sick. The thought of Luke and some randomer going through what I went through. I couldn't be with Luke if he got a girl pregnant.

"I can't, I-I can't," I said stepping back from Luke to go and be sick in my own bathroom. He was quick on my heels unfortunately and was soon behind me holding my hair. As much as I tried to shake him away I'm glad he did hold my hair for me because I managed not to get sick on it.

"I-Isla," Luke said and I looked at him confused as I wiped the sick from my mouth and stood slowly swishing my mouth out with water. "What the fuck is this?" He said holding up a pregnancy stick that showed positive. I shook my head at him and shoved it out of my face.

"It's obviously from some girl you had in your bathroom and she dumped it in Crystal's," I shrugged angrily glaring at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Then why is it on the top of the bin which is filled with your shit?" He said chucking it in the sink and resting his hands on his face soon realising what he was doing and washing his hands frantically causing me to giggle and Luke to soon join.

"Obviously someone is trying to come between us," I said resting on his chest and he rubbed my back slowly.

"So you're not pregnant?" He said looking down at me and I shook my head slowly at him.

"And you didn't buy a pregnancy test for some random?" I asked and he shook his head, we both held out our pinkies to promise and shared a smooch before I pulled away looking confused.

"What now?" He groaned and I rolled my eyes at him.

"If I'm not pregnant and some random isn't pregnant then who is?"

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