Chapter Four

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Ch.4: Babies and Shrimp

I walk into Mrs. Tanners room and see that Toby is in here along with a few other people.

"Hey! I didn't know that you are in my home room!" Toby says, standing up and holding his arms open. "I guess I am!" I say, standing there awkwardly.

"Aren't you going to hug me?" He ask. "Oh, yeah sorry!" I put my stuff down and hug him, making me feel more awkward than before. "Um, yeah." I pull away put he pulls me closer than before. "You smell good..." He whispers. I use all my force to get out of his grasp. "Uhhh, thanks. I guess..." I tell him.

"That was kinda creepy, wasn't it?" He runs his fingers through his hair. I nod my head and laugh. We sit down and wait for Mrs. Tanners.

Mrs. Tanners walks in the class, well kinda waddles since she has a huge belly. "Hello class. I am Mrs. Tanners and I am a new teacher this year! Some things about me are that I am 7 and a half months pregnant with a baby girl. Um, I will teach Health this year and we will have fun. So yeah! And we have one more new person! Skylar Moon?"

"Hi, I'm Skylar." I say standing up. "Okay let's take attendance." She goes through a list of 19 kids before she gets to me. "Skylar?" "Here." I say.

"Okay? Okay. Everyone's here so lets head down to the assemble now." She gets up and we follow her to a big theatre room.

"Sit by me." Toby says grabbing my hand. I nod and we sit in a row far from other people. "So, tell me about yourself, Miss Skylar." Toby says crossing his legs and folding his hands, like this was an interview.

"Um, okay then. I am 15 and I like the colors blue, black, and purple. I like shrimp, even though I want to try and be a vegetarian. I really like bacon and eggs for breakfast. I have a purple and black room with blue and grey splatters. My parents are dead, so I live with my mom's twin. How about you?" I tell.

"Sorry about your parents and I hope you don't become a vegetarian because I love meat. I am your typical 15 year old teenage boy. Troubled and smelly. I like blue green and black. My room is a light green. I like Starbucks and popcorn. I am protective over my sister, who's 12, and my dog, Vanilla Bean. She's a fluffy little thing." He smiles while talking about his dog. "I want a pug and name it Pewds since Pewdiepie has 2 pugs." I giggle. "You watch Pewdiepie? Bro fist!" We fist bump and laugh. The principal, a tall, blonde older woman walks on stage and introduces herself as Mrs. Buckstur.

"Good morning students of Orlando High! We will be enjoying this school year by starting it on the right foot, by introducing new students and faculty! First we start with freshman teachers. Please stand when you here your name called." She introduces only the teachers for freshman, since the students are all new, the sophomore teachers, then the students. She calls my name and I stand up and wave. "Okay, lets give a warm welcoming to everyone here!" She smiles while they clap. "You are dismissed. Have a great day!" We all file out, freshman to senior.

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