Chapter One

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Ch.1: Coming home

"Oh my gosh! My little Skylar is all grown up now!" My aunt Rose says, running towards me. Well, I do look different. The last time she saw me I was 7. I still have my light brown hair, but I want to dye it black and cut it to the middle of my back. It currently falls to my waist.

"I missed you Auntie." I say tearing up. Her and my mom were twins. A lot of people say that I'm a mini Madison. But I'm not. I have colorful eyes, my dad's were green and my mom's were a pretty blue. Put the two together and bam! Perfect eye color. I always thought they were the reason for my outburst that night, so I hated them.

"Let's go home sweetie." She says, breaking my train of thought. I get into her car and we rode to her- well mine too- house and she says we can go shopping for things I need or want. We drove to a neighborhood with big houses. "Woooow!" I say. She laughs and we pull up into the driveway to the house. We go inside and sit down to eat lunch and just talk and bond together.

"Can we go to Target first?" I ask after we finish lunch. This is way better than what the institution serves. I stopped eating the food there, got anorexic when I could have been considered stable, so I stayed longer. "Yeah! We can get basic stuff! Bedding, pillows, whatever you want! Go get changed first!" I went to my room and saw a bed, walk in closet, and dresser. The bed had an outfit on it. It was a yellow shirt with AERO written on it with a pair of cut shorts. I hurried up and put on the outfit. We left and, boy I went all out.

Well, when we got there I grabbed a cart while she sat at Starbucks. I got whatever I wanted. Makeup, girl stuff, toothbrush, band aids, hair products I find interesting, movies, a camera, CD's, a purple bed set, books, lamp, shoes and a radio alarm clock. When my aunt saw all this stuff, she was actually okay with buying it. We went to the mall next. I walked around Aeropstale, Ambercombie, and Hollister and got some cute things that I got. We went to Victoria's Secret and got some underwear, clothes and perfume. When I got to Hot Topic I was wore out. When I went in, I loved it. I nearly bought out the store! We went to more stores until we were dead tired. Aunt Rose seamed to have fun with me today.

"Ready to get you're hair done tomorrow?" She asks on the way home. "You have no idea! I really want to cut it, get bangs and dye it black!" "Woah, don't go goth on me!" She laughs. "I won't. It just looks better like that, Aunt Rose." I say smiling. "You don't have to call me Aunt, just call me Rose! Aunt makes me feel older than I am!" We burst out laughing and it's true! She isn't really old at all!

We get home and I don't even last 5 minutes until I fall asleep on the couch.

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