You wake up to someone breathing near your face. You open your eyes and see newt, right in front of your face.
"Newt you creep"
You yell at him.
"Good your up"
He said, ignoring your comment
"Time to pick your job"
He smiles at you
"Uhh I kinda gotta get dressed newt"
He blushed and got out
You put on your outfit (above)
And walk to the middle of the glade to see newt waiting.
"Finally why do you take forever to get ready"
He complained
"Hey when you look this good"
You say gesturing to yourself
"It takes more than 2 minutes to get ready"
Newt laughed
"Ok well let's get you to your first job"
He said
He pointed to what you had been told was the kitchen
"First go there and get something to eat"
He looked back at you
"Than you go to the med jack hut"
He pointed to another building
"Got it"
You are getting impatient because you are very hungry
You say interrupting him as he was talking about what the medjacks Do
"I'm hungry can I just go"
He nodded with a little laugh and I sprinted to the kitchen.
When I got there I looked around to see no one I knew.
I sighed in relief when someone waved me over.
You take a seat across from the boy
"Hello greenie"
He greats you but not looking up from his food.
"What's you name"
You ask the boy
He answers
"Do you remember yours yet"
He asks you
"Pretty name for a pretty face"
He says looking up at you
"I know right"
You flip your hair sassily
"Wow, looks like Minho's got some competition"
You hear the Britt behind you
"Newt what have I told you about personal space"
You laugh turning around
" whatever it was, I wasn't listening"
He chuckled
You groan
"We get to have a bonfire tonight"
Ben cuts into your mini conversation.
"Because greenie"
Ben looked at me and sighed like it was the stupidest thing anyone has ever asked
"Well tell me do you think I can read your mind"
Newt laughed but Ben shot him a look that shut him up
"You remember your name so we are going to celebrate, Minho jr"
He smirked at the nickname
"Why isn't Minho a ashton jr hmm"
You smirk at him
"I am ending this conversation"
Ben got up and cleared his plate