Prologue; The Beginning Of Time

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Prologue; The Beginning Of Time

The humans' history is documented and based entirely upon scientific fact. Yet, what if you were to learn that not all of your precious history was based entirely upon the truth?

As children, you were all told of the story of how it was a meteorite in which crashed to Earth, eradicating and wiping out the dinosaurs. But what if you were to learn that in fact, it was a supernatural war in which eradicated almost nearly all life from this planet?

The supernaturals were actually in fact the first human forms to walk planet Earth. Yet, the war in which sort an end to the dinosaurs rein, also pretty much destroyed their own race too. Well, more or less almost destroyed.

Only a small handful of supernaturals had managed to survive the war, each having to learn to adapt and to evolve just as the planet did. A brand new species of human were eventually born into the world; humans in which were much weaker, but still just as intelligent, as the rest of the supernaturals were.

The new species of human evolved just as well and as quickly as the supernatural's, spreading themselves out across the ever growing masses of land. The humans created vast cities, as their intelligence grew and so did their weapons within mass destruction; weapons in which were and could be used against the supernatural's own kind.

The human authorities knew about the supernatural's existence, but they pretty much left a large majority of them alone, so long as they kept the balance and the peace between both of the races. The humans had also categorized the supernaturals, treating and condemning them all just like wild animals.

Category one was for the supernatural's in which were born with no such power. Yet, the supernatural still did hold some sort of physical supernatural deformity, - as the human authorities called it. This could literally be anything - from reptilian skin, to extra bodily limbs, to even simply just having wings.

Category two was for the supernatural's in which were born with unseen physical enhancements; such as heightened speed, sight, hearing or even being able to shift their entire form. Yet, most shape-shifters weren't trusted by the human authorities, even though all supernaturals were equal.

Category three was for the supernatural's in which were born with the ability to sense, locate and the ability to disappear when necessary. These supernaturals were very ghostlike, but unless they actually decided to show their powers within public, then you would never even know that they even existed.

Category four was for the supernatural's in which were born with the ability to manipulate. Now, manipulation came within many various forms. There were supernatural's who could manipulate fire or even ice. There were supernatural's who could manipulate metal, nature or even the weather. There were even some supernatural's, - though they were extremely rare - who could even manipulate and read your minds thoughts.

Then there was category five, which was the highest and the most powerful category there was for a supernatural. This was a category for supernatural's in which were born and held more or less a power from each of the other categories, - which also meant that the supernatural's within category five, usually always beheld more than the one supernatural power.

There are plenty more examples, but I think you basically get the idea. The supernatural's weren't actually that much different from the humans; yet, supernatural or not, they were still a hell of a lot stronger. Learning to also blend and to live within the same vicinity as the humans, most of the supernatural's today suppressed or hid their abilities away from the ever growing world.

Yet, every couple of years there would always be one supernatural who believed that they were above and more powerful than everybody else. And that was where Ariel and her team normally got brought into the situation.

Many years ago, a treaty had been signed upon both sides to cease the corruption and fighting between both the humans and supernaturals. Working together as a team and in unison to keep the peace between both races. It was down to Ariel and her team of five, to aid in controlling the supernatural's growth and population.

They were like the human governments own personal private supernatural tactical force team. Which did have its own benefits and advantages, but it did also bring with it, it's own down falls.

The six of them lived and worked as a team, and were also publicly known as, - Supernatural-X.

(Unedited Draft)

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So, this gives you all pretty much a basic idea of what to expect and what is to come.

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Supernatural-X (#Book1) A Supernatural Saga (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now