Chapter 3; The Command Centre

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Chapter 3; The Command Centre

Landing the light streamlined aircraft upon the roof of the humans command centre, the team disembarked, as Ariel landed smoothly and walked towards them all.

"Loka not with you?"

"Does she look like she is with me." Ariel strode right past D'artagnan, as she headed towards the buildings secured elevator. "Besides, knowing Loka, I'm sure she'll show up eventually."

"Ariel has got a point, - come on." Slapping him heavily upon the back, Drake followed the rest of the team, leaving D'artagnan to bring up the rear.

The elevator was a steel and glass box, up to date with all of the humans secure technology. To enter, it had a finger print scanner and then once in side, it was the same but with a retinal scanner.

A computerised voice spoke out as the elevator began its descent, welcoming each of the team in turn. Keeping her wings tightly tucked in, Ariel rolled her eyes; humans and there sentimental values, they held more trust within their technology and computers, than they did with the supernatural's.

The elevator came to a halt, as the elevators glass doors slid apart; the team stepped out to be welcomed by the Captain's receptionist. Tracy was a shy, quiet, middle aged woman. She barely spoke whenever the supernatural team were around, and Ariel had learned to read what she could from peoples faces, instead of intruding their minds.

Following Tracy through the network of corridors, Ariel could tell immediately that there was something different about the women. Tracy seemed to hold and move her posture differently, - less stiff like.

"You know, Loka, that humans form really doesn't suit you."

Loka shifted back, as the buildings systematic intruder alarm start to go off. Armed guards stampeded and stomped nosily past them, as the team turned off the corridor and entered the captains office.

Disconnecting a call as the team entered, James Wall stood; the sound of the intruder alarm siring and drowning out all other sounds. Stepping forward, Ariel shook the captains hand and apologising for Loka's actions, just as the alarm was shut off and silenced.

"Never mind that, we have business to descuss. Please, sit, this may take some time."

The team took their seats around the offices conference table, but Ariel preferred to stay standing. Moving back to his end of the table, Captain Wall flicked on the large on walled computer screen, bring up a still image of a man.

"You have been called here on desperate matters."

"You said that the last time we were here, and that wasn't even a supernatural matter."

James Wall glanced at Drake, before turning his attention back towards Ariel.

"Well, this time it is. Tell me, do any of you know or recognize this supernatural?"

The team stared at the image, which was being shown upon the large on screen. Only one of them recognized the man, their meeting had only been brief, plus it had been many years ago.

"His name is Ore. He's a category four supernatural, with the ability to control metal."

The team turned to stare at Ariel; they knew the finer details, such as her powers. She was the only supernatural with the ability to heal, so determining her age was impossible, as she barely aged. Yet, when it came down to her past or what Ariel might have done before dedicating her life to helping others, was an enigma to them all.

"How do you know this?"

The captain leaned forward, resting his weight upon the table. Straightening out her thoughts, Ariel pulled forth her perfectly filed memory.

"Around twenty years ago, I helped a young boy by the name of Ore, but at the time he was only around eight years old.

"His parents had placed him within a travelling circus, after discovering his power. He'd been with the circus around a year, before I came across him.

"The poor boy was starved and beaten daily, I followed and watched for awhile from a safe distance, but the boy must have sensed me somehow. He took a chance and came to seek me out, begging for me to help him.

"So, I flew him away from that place and took him to a safe house were other orphaned supernatural runner aways go to be looked after. That was the only, and last time that I saw him.

"Word reached me a couple years later, that Ore had left the safe house, and that trouble has followed him ever since.

"My meeting with him when he was younger might have been brief, but I assure you captain, I keep a constant watch upon all of the supernatural's in which I encounter and try to help in some way."

The captain stood, straightening out his posture.

"Well, you didn't watch this one close enough. Just a few hours ago, this man derailed a train during the Underground's busy rush hour, killing and injuring a lot of people.

"We've lost track of him at the moment, but we want you to find him, before he causes any more damage to the city. We know that you can locate him, and the Prime Minister wants this dealt with swiftly."

"What will happen to Ore once he's found?"

Loka had asked the question upon all of the teams mind.

"He'll be imprisoned and dealt with accordingly. What happens to this man after he's caught doesn't concern any of you. Just do your job and then walk away, no questions asked."

Getting up from the table, the team left the captains office, returning back to the buildings roof and their streamlined aircraft. Climbing on board, even Ariel walked on taking a seat, her thoughts still going through the old memories of Ore she had.

Buckling themselves in, Nikita started up the jets engine. Raising the aircraft up steadily into the air, Nikita's position flying was perfect, as the aircraft turned on the spot and took off into the air.

Their flight back to Kempton House, was quiet. Nobody knew what to say; yet, Ariel could hear each of their passing thoughts. Wishing that she had flown back under her own power, Ariel leaned back within her chair and closed her eyes, blocking out her connection to the rest of the teams minds and thoughts.

(Unedited Draft)

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