Chapter 4; Eternity

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Chapter 4; Eternity

Sat within her office, Ariel was going through the file on Ore, which the command centre had directly sent over to Kempton House. Ore had slipped beneath her radar many a times, but he had now returned to London, a place in which he hadn't been since he was a child.

Hearing the mansions front door bell ring, Ariel wondered who it could be, as not many people actually visited Kempton House. Jared walked passed Ariel's office, saying that he would get the door. Flicking through the notes she had been given, Ariel's head suddenly lifted, as she heard the voice of a young girl.

Inviting the teen in and directing her towards Ariel's office, Jared knocked upon the door, before stepping aside. Ariel recognized the teen immediately, slipping the notes and papers to one side, she got up to meet the young girl.

"Ah, I see that you've made it here in one piece, its good to see you again."

"I thought this was... Why am I here?"

"Jared, it's alright, you may leave us now."

Closing the door, Ariel guided the teen towards a chair, before taking a seat back at her desk.

"The last time we met, you were in desperate need of some help, Eternity."

The teen seemed shocked.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know a lot more than just your name. I know that you're a category four supernatural, with the ability to control time. But, I also know that you're too afraid to use your powers, Eternity.

"I myself, am a category five. But I use my powers for the good of both species. I help others in need, as do the rest of my team, but you would already know that."

Eternity sat ridged within her chair. She had believed that the address in which had been given to her, would have led her to a safe house for supernatural's, not the actually home and base of the famous Supernatural-X's team.

"I could have easily sent you to a safe house, but you wouldn't have been happy there. I believe we could teach you a lot better here to control your power, - that's only if your willing."

"Something could go wrong, I could become stuck again, - I couldn't go through that again. I had to devastatingly destroy somebodies life, just to get back out. Do you know how many lives fell apart, after just that one act? Hundreds, to many for me to count. No, I'd rather be stuck with the power, than to ever use it again."

Eternity stood up, looking as if she was about to leave. Standing also, Ariel stepped around her desk and opened the office door, allowing the teen to leave.

"You know that isn't true, Eternity. You can't suppress your power, it will come out eventually, whether you want it to or not. The offer is still there; wouldn't you prefer to be able to control the power, than allowing your power to control you?"

Ariel had stepped out into the large open hallway, the teen had stopped a few steps away. Turning back around, Ariel could see that her words had won the teen over. Sinking in upon herself, Eternity stepped back towards the leader of the Supernatural-X team.

"We'll go find you a room, and then I'll give you the grand tour. Have you brought anything with you?"

"Just a single bag, I left it back by the front door."

Walking back down to the front door together, Eternity collected her bag, before Ariel lead her back towards the main staircases. Going up two complete floors, they came to a landing with many doors leading off of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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