I was gently shook awake from my deep sleep that I didn't get much of by Ethan. "Hey" he smiled slightly. "Hey" I smiled back. It was pretty normal for him or Jess to just come over but today we had school and we were pretty late.
"Shit we're late" I groaned and he chuckled a little. "We're not going school today. You need to pack some stuff 'coz you're staying with us for a while since you know..." he trailed off, not wanting to upset me from talking about my father.
"Ok. so where's Grayson?" I asked, getting off the bed and stretching a bit. "Right here" he said, coming through the door and I smiled at him which he gladly returned. "Yeah we all need to talk" Ethan stated referring to me and Grayson. I nodded in agreement and they helped me pack a few things as we would be staying for a while.
After a few minutes, we were done and headed over to their house where my mom and Lisa were talking with a coffee in their hands.
"Hey guys" Lisa said and got up to give me a hug. I always loved Lisa. She was like my second mom and she was so kind and sweet. "Hi Mrs Dolan" I smiled. "Honey how many times have I told you it's Lisa to you" she said with a little chuckle.
We all sat down for a few minutes and Sean, Lisa and my mom decided that I would share a room with Grayson because they still thought that we are closest and he didn't hurt me although Ethan was a little uncomfortable with it but he didn't say anything and my mom would have the guest room.
Me and Grayson went to his room followed by Ethan and it was a little different to what I remembered but that was obviously because I hadn't been in there for a while. We sat on the bed next to each other and Ethan sat in the chair in the corner of the room.
"So can you explain what the fuck is going on?" he whisper yelled. We both told him everything and at the end he sat there with his mouth wide open like his brain just exploded. "Grayson are you being serious like you're not gonna hurt her no more?" he asked very seriously.
"I promise bro. I know it was a really dick thing to do and I really am sorry to the both of you. I shut you out and you're my best friend. I guess one day all my anger took over and I just couldn't let it go anymore and I snapped" he answered with his head down.
I put my hand on his and he looked up a little with a smile on his face. He had rage issues and as you could tell, it had gotten worse over the years but he was already doing better now and I was so happy for him.
After we got through all that, we played some video games in their basement. "Die bitch!" I yelled getting very competitive and killed Ethan. "Come on" he groaned as I killed him for the fifth time in 5 minutes and me and Gray laughed and high fived.
We continued playing games for a while and then played football in their huge backyard. They were awesome at sports which suited their craziness and energy and then went back into the basement for the rest of the day watching films and eating pizza and a load of other snacks.