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here's some stuff you        should probably know about judaism if you're        going to write about stan uris or have a jewish character!        and who better to tell you about it      than someone who knows this                                ...

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here's some stuff you        should probably know
about judaism if you're        going to write about
stan uris or have a jewish character!        and who
better to tell you about it      than someone who
knows this                                     stuff, firsthand?

so in the olden days, people said jews had horns & tails? no? that's not true?             common sense!

that's right! every ( well, most ) jewish boy gets
bar mitzvah-ed at thirteen,        but girls get bat mitzvah-ed at twelve. so,   if you wanna include
a jewish girl character, you kinda should know that!

you guys probably know     about this whether you're jewish or not.               well, in english, it's
sabbath. there's yiddish       slang of it, where it's referred to as 'shabbos.' in hebrew, though, it's called 'shabbat.' during   shabbat, if you're very religious, you don't u.   se electronics. but in the eighties, it would be          slightly different. i.e.,
radios, record players,        cameras, televisions,
cars, and vhs. i'm not       sure if stan celebrated shabbat, though!

people mostly have heard   this phrase, but the specifics are really           complicated. kosher is
kinda like a diet that all   religious jews have to follow. basically, you can't    eat pig, mainly, and
you can't have dairy and          meat at the same
time. usually, you have to          wait three (or, if
you're super-religious, six)            hour intervals
between meat and dairy.     there are more laws
and stuff, but those are            complicated, and
usually wouldn't have       to be covered in a fic!

hebrew is the language of judaism. the thing is,
i can't sit here and translate    every word from english to hebrew, so   you'll have to use google translate for that. just           make sure to back-
check it before using                 it in your story!

( chapter by max! )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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