Search for Millie

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What Sherlock had thought would be a quick and easy takedown turned out to be much more complicated. Once the Yard had gotten off their buttocks it was essentially chaos. The consulting detective was working overtime to make sure that no one knew about his connection to A and that he didn't inadvertently find out her identity, while weaving himself into the rescue efforts.

The time spent keeping the secrets secret and wrangling the police meant that Millie Button was put at a higher risk every minute. Sherlock knew that if he couldn't figure out how to untangle himself and John from the Yard, that Millie could get hurt or killed and then A would likely distrust him. Maybe even hate him, and he wouldn't be able to finish her puzzle.

Sherlock puffed, "Come along, John."


"Now, John. Miss Button was abducted by a gang- by the looks of it one of the splintered ones with radical tendencies. They'll have their way with her if they haven't already."

"But shouldn't we have Greg with us? Gangs aren't friendly to us."

"Are you nervous?"

"No. But Mary won't be happy if we end up hospitalized."

Sherlock tutted, "Only if we move slowly."

John rolled his eyes but followed his taller friend with an eager smile. They flagged a taxi and Sherlock had the cabbie drive them to three blocks away from where Millie Button could be- one of the gang's hideouts. The two got out and Sherlock led the way.

Not to John's surprise, nor Sherlock's, Millie wasn't there. She had been but had been moved again and they'd had to get out before they were shot at. The blogger made sure to have text and have Lestrade meet them at the next hideout. Sherlock, meanwhile, texted A.

She sent the locations and a picture of Millie's calendar for good measure

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She sent the locations and a picture of Millie's calendar for good measure.

"Remind me how you got this case, mate?" John asked

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"Remind me how you got this case, mate?" John asked.

"Network, John."

"Okay, then." The blonde doctor wasn't satisfied with the brunette's answer. But he decided to continue probing later, once Millie Button had been rescued. Then he'd likely get a straight answer.

Thank you for reading!!

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