Meeting Friends

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A Couple Days Later

"Are you sure-"

"Yes, Sherlock, I'm sure. Why are you so worried about me meeting your friends?"

"Because there is a high probability that my brother will also find a way to be present. If he does, then he will certainly find a way to throw a wrench into things."

"I take it he doesn't-"

"Approve? He rarely approves of anything I do. But you.. Mycroft is less disapproving of you than he is upset with me."

"So he doesn't like that you're dating me?"

"That I am allowing myself to become sentimental and thus pursuing a romantic relationship with you."


"My friends aren't who I'm worried about. Just my brother."

"I see."

Sherlock and Adelaide reached 221 Baker Street and he opened the door, letting her inside first. Judging from the knocker, Mycroft had not come. Yet. Sherlock warned himself and then led the way upstairs. He reached back for Adelaide's hand and she clasped his, giving him a reassuring smile when he glanced at her.

Sherlock had wanted to present Adelaide to his friends as his girlfriend, but her schedule had only cleared that day. So they'd used those first couple of days for themselves- figuring out boundaries and slowly exploring each other bit by bit.

Mary and Molly, who hadn't met Adelaide before, were perhaps the most excited when Sherlock walked into the living room with Adelaide. Missus Hudson was a close second, of course. She had been waiting for this for years upon years, after all, and seeing Sherlock look so uncommonly happy made it worth it.

They stepped in and Sherlock halted with Adelaide beside him. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Adelaide Cavanagh." He bluntly introduced. She smiled shyly and Mary got up first, walking up.

"Hello, Adelaide. I'm Mary Watson. Just Mary is fine."

"Hello, Mary." Knowing she was shy, Mary settled for a handshake and then let Molly take her turn. The Pathologist, who for eons had harbored a crush on Sherlock, was very glad that Adelaide had been the one he finally chose. It had always made her sad that he hadn't had that special one to be there for him. Seeing them gave her a bright flicker of hope that it would last and that Sherlock wouldn't be sad anymore.

After introductions they all sat down to chat for a bit. Eyes hovered on the new couple and there were many sly smiles when Sherlock had Adelaide sit in his chair. It was a very telling sign since it was forbidden territory. Even Mycroft never sat there. The consulting detective himself opted to use John's chair, which John didn't mind. He instead sat at the desk across from Mary and exchanged looks with her and Lestrade every so often.

The DI was almost sad that he hadn't been able to quit and move to Australia, but he was more than happy to tease Sherlock a bit now that the famously emotionless machine had a girlfriend.

Thank you for reading!!

Shout-outs to:











Love y'all!! 😘

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