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After another thorough round through the house, Adelaide and her team essentially declared the house a biohazard and confirmed that whomever had collected the animals was up to something. John and Lestrade were blown away when Sherlock pulled them aside and willingly allowed Adelaide to inform them what was going on. The detective didn't interrupt her once or even looked like he wanted to. Instead he looked on and listened intently, with a proud, impressed glint in his eyes.

John desperately wanted to ask Sherlock if they were in fact dating, seeing his best friend interact so amicably with Adelaide. But he didn't feel that his questions would come off the right way and that he would make Adelaide uncomfortable, which would probably upset Sherlock. So he stood back with Lestrade and happily watched the two. 

Both knew that Sherlock had become extremely lonely without John's constant presence- and had seen the distractions he had turned to. John had caught him a couple times trying to shoot up, but it had been months. Lining up with when he would have met Adelaide.

Both hoped that Adelaide was who Sherlock needed. It certainly seemed possible that she was. John didn't mind at all that Sherlock had befriended her and had gone months without telling them- he wanted his best friend to find happiness and love too.

John joined Sherlock as they searched the house for clues as to their poacher's identity and agenda. It was more difficult because they had to suit up due to the house's biohazard status, but eventually they found a couple small safes hidden in the kitchen, "Here we are," Sherlock pronounced and they each hefted one up, "Get these outside then."

"Okay, Sherlock." They carried the safes out of the house towards Anderson's van. Sherlock went about deducing the codes to each safe- each had a keypad.

It took a few minutes, but Sherlock figured out the first pin code.


He input it and to John's surprise, the safe unlocked. They opened it and found a stack of manila folders and a couple flash drives, "Bingo." Sherlock remarked. John paused and looked at him.

"Bingo? Since when do you say that?"

"Mm John?"

"Since when do you say bingo to anything?"

Sherlock paused and looked at John this time, a little confused, "I said that?"

"Yes, you did."

Sherlock shrugged, "Adelaide uses it on occasion. Must have just come to mind." He returned to working on the other safe. John couldn't stifle a cheeky grin. He's even using her expressions? There has to be something going on. John thought as Sherlock cracked the second code.


This safe contained several steno books, composition notebooks, and a few digital cameras, "Those should have the manifest of every animal we found." Sherlock commented as they emptied the safe. He and John divvied up the folders and notebooks between them.

Sure enough, they found a highly detailed manifest of every poached resident in the composition books. Their scientific names, common names, sex, original habitat and distribution, as well as whether or not they were venomous or poisonous, among other classifications. Their dates of collection were also there, helping Sherlock organize the information into a mental catalog and a map, "This guy's pretty active, Sherlock." John murmured as he looked through the pages.

"Indeed, John. And they move incredibly quickly. At the rate at which they've traveled and the number of animals poached, it is likely that the poacher has significant financial resources and a private transport."

"But why have so many toxic animals?"

"They have a plan for the toxins themselves. They have to have a background in biochemistry, at least, because there is lab equipment in the basement typically used for toxicology analyses. The other animals seem to be a simple diversion. Adelaide figured that out."

"Adelaide did?"

"Yes, John, keep up. She knew that the colony of Choresine beetles she found were live food for the pair of Hooded Pitohui. We told you all this earlier."

John chuckled, "So, are you and she...?"

Sherlock froze and glanced at John, "Are we what, John?"

"I don't know... in a relationship?"

The detective stood up fully, "Where do you get that idea?"

"Just, you seem to be getting on very well with her. And she sure seems to be pretty nice and smart-"

"-Adelaide is indeed very intelligent-"

"- And attractive? I've seen you glancing at her more than once today, mate. So, are you dating her?"

"No, John. We are not in a romantic, sentimental relationship. She is a... close friend and colleague who shares my scientific affinities. And I hardly see why she would date me when she has other men to choose from who are not sociopaths."

"Seriously, Sherlock-!?"

"Are those the records for the animals?" Adelaide asked, coming out of nowhere. John shut up quickly.

"Yes, they are. Luckily they are in pristine condition and finely detailed." Sherlock replied.

"Anything to clear up who's responsible, yet?"

"Not yet. But from what I have gleaned, the poacher is well traveled and plans every visit to the minute. Very smart, very skilled at the game."

"I see. Have you checked the flash drives yet?"


Adelaide blushed a little, "I-I have my laptop in the Lorry. We could use it to read whatever's on the flash drives."


They followed her to the Lorry and she booted up her PC, inserting the flash drives, "Whoa..."


"Everything's in code. All of it." She exhaled. Sherlock reached for the computer and got a spark of intrigue in his eyes.

"Indeed. This case gets more exciting by the minute."

Thank you for reading!!

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