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Author's POV

"Hey.. you..are here?" Y/N managed to let it slipped out from his mouth.

She nodded..

Then she walked closer to him.

Its not the right time for y/n think "Why she is the one who come? NOt Jisoo?"

Yeah Its Jennie was the one visit him.

He tried to get up from bed. BUt he felt his head pounding hard. He hold his head.

Jennie frowned and quickly grab y/n. "Dont move so much, y/n." "You look pale. Your body is hot. Have you eat?

Y/N shook his head.

Jennie just shook her head. in the same time she felt sorry for him. HE stay at the penthouse alone. NObody could know whether he is okay or not.

"Stay here. I will bring you food and medicine." Jennie said.

Y/N nodded weakly.


Jennie came back after a few minutes with a bowl of porridge, plain water and medicine.

She placed the tray aside and slowly help y/n to sat up on the bed.

She put pillow to support his back.

Jennie dont hesitate to feed him food.

She blow the porridge first before bring the spoon to y/n's mouth.

After she feed him porridge..she pass him a glass of water and medicine. He swallow the pill.

"Thanks Jennie." he weakly smiled.

Jennie nodded. "NO problem, y/n."

Jennie helped y/n to lay back on his bed.

She went to bathroom to get something.

She comeback with a towel and a small basin.

Jennie unbutton y/n's shirt.

Y/N got startled and hold Jennie's hand. 

Jennie could feel her heartbeat increase with this skinship.

"What you doing Jen?"

"Uh..dont worry im not gonna raped you,  y/n." Jennie chuckled.

Y/N just let her.

After she unbutton his shirt, she wipe his perfect body with the damp towel. Jennie tried her best for not staring his body too much. 

THe thing that Jennie didnt notice is y/n shut his eyes tightly cause he felt ashamed exposed his body to girl.

Jennie's POV

Its hard for me to control myself for not staring too much on his body.

After i settle it I take off his cloth.

I grab another shirt from his wardrobe and slipped it on his body.

"HOw do you know my place?" Y/n asked me.

"Well..Im looking for you at hospital but they said you discharged. Then I went to your base camp. They gave me your address."

He just stare at me. 

"Uh..sorry if i --"

"NO. Thanks so much Jen. YOu didnt have to do that. You helped me too much." he squeeze my hand.

"Its not a big deal y/n." I smiled to him. "NOw sleep."

Soon he fall asleep.

I study his sleeping face.

 [COMPLETED] Shadow | Kim Jisoo X Male Reader--Blackpink fanfic Where stories live. Discover now