Chapter 4: The Next day

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

[4 A.M In The Morning]

Uhh..... I thought as i got up and  Went on my uniform..... Yesterday....Misaka confessed to me huh? thinking about it i went out of the dorms and jogged.I met an interesting person while i was jogging, It was a nun actually named Index though the only thing we talked about is Why she was lost or where she was or something then a guy came called  "kamijou Toma" and apologized since she went running off on her own then noticed that i was wearing a 'Tokiwadai's Uniform' and then told me he had friends in that school as well and then I asked who his friends was in there and explained "Biri Biri, Kuroko?...Etc." And then i asked who was "Biri Biri"  he said Misaka Mikoto. I said i was her roommate and he said 'Oh? Ok' and then Index said: "Hey Toma! Aren't you supposed to by Breakfast?" and then he got surprised and said "Oh yea! Crap I forgot Sorry but i gotta go" And i answered "It's fine really, you should go before the sun goes up" and replied "Ah! right thank You!" and dashed off in the convenience store. So i went back, and headed to class however there is no one here so i just waited.

"Okay class Get to your seat Homeroom is starting" hearing the teacher said that i kept wondering why The sky is clear.

[Lunch Break]

I walked up to Misaka and Said "Wanna go to lunch?" and then she said "Sure" We ate lunch and then we went out of the school, along the way i saw a person that looks like her so was pretty sure it was a clone. She spoke "Onee-sama Good Afternoon and It's a pleasure to meet you, Misaka says as Misaka Greets a new friend of Onee-sama" and then i laughed wiping my tear off, Shook her hand and "It's also a pleasure, Your her clone right?" I asked  And then she answered "Yes made from 170,000 Yen to make Misaka, Misaka answers" and then i went on my knee and then Misaka pulled her clone and whispered "Hey! What are you doing here?" she answered "Misaka  saw Onee-sama and a friend Misaka answers" "But why did Yo-" she was caught off by me crying and asked what's wrong. I pulled her clone to me and pulled out by index finger pointing at Misaka and said "Misaka! Why didn't you tell  me you had a clone this cute!!" and Misaka got dumbfounded Said "She......She's cute....? NO she's not!!!" she said almost shouting. "Misaka is cute? Misaka questions as Misaka wonders if she's cute" And i said "Yea you are cute i always wanted a clone like this......Misaka Your Lucky, Very Lucky" i said as i began to cry while holding Misaka's Shoulder. "By the way don't tell this to anyone" Misaka said to her clone. "Impossible Misaka says" Her clone said "Why?" she said flustered. "It's already in Misaka Network Misaka says as Misaka explains" she said. and then....

[Lunch Break Ended] [The End]


See ya Next Time!!



"Misaka Onee-sama's new friend said Misaka was cute says Misaka explaining" "No she said Misaka was more cute Says Misaka as Misaka Protest" "Wrong Misaka 10032 is the one who is cute says Misaka as Misaka explain" "I agree says Misaka as Misaka agree"

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