Chapter 1: Daily Life

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"WAKE UP YOU EMOTIONLESS PIECE OF CRAP!" I slowly sat up with a blank face. I didn't flinch when a beer bottle was thrown inches away from my head and smashed on the wall behind me. I go to my closet and put on my (fav/colored) hoodie with some black leggings. I look at myself in the mirror. My burn is very visible. My eye on that side is black unlike my (eye/color) eye on the other side. My skin is very pale to the point it looks white comparing it to my usual (skin/color) skin. My hair is (hair/color) with black streaks in it... How I wish things could be different, but that's not how things work in this world. My name is (y/n) Woods and I'm 8 years old.....this is my story...

Jeff's POV

"Jeff....jefff!!!! JEFF!" I jump at the sudden screaming in my ear. I glare at BEN, who woke me up. "What the hell do you want!" I growled. BEN smiled and shrugs, then he walks away! I hate when he does this to me! I stretch and get into my usual attire. I look into the mirror and look at my beautiful self. I smirk to myself. "Still looking good!" I think to myself, I wink at the mirror, and then walk out after grabbing my knife. I want to go for a walk. I exit the mansion, skipping out on breakfast. I feel like it's going to be a good day! I went out on the street after turning into my human form. I sat down on a bench and looked at the innocent school children walking to school with their parents. One little girl with (hair/color) and black steaks  in it caught my eye. I stared at the about 7 or 8 year old girl. She had her hair in her face, covering her eyes and her hood was up. I could see part of her mouth and it held no smile, like she was in pain, or in fact it was just blank....seems like someone needs to smile! I smirk to myself as I found my new vitum. Though I do wonder, what she looks like without the hood...

Your POV

I sigh as I continue to walk the sidewalk to school. I see someone sitting on a bench, but ignore him as I continue to walk. "IT'S THE TWO-FACED FREAK!" Next thing I know I'm practically tasting the sidewalk. I look to see (rivial's/name). I get up and look at her with a blank expression still. "Can....I help you?" I say, getting up slowly. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! YOUR SO EMOTIONLESS! YOU WASTE OF SPACE!" Oh why hello lovely ground....pavement....again. I smirk as I get up again. I can feel my now  busted lip bleeding. "Happy now? Oh would you like to see my whole face?" I continued to smirk. (Rivial's/name) backed up slowly. "WHO WOULD WANT TO SEE THAT FACE!" She then ran away....what a wimp... I noticed out of the corner of my eye the man on the bench, but he's been watching me the entire time. I chuckle and turn to him. "Take a picture it'll last longer!" He jumped, like he was suddenly awakened from a trance. I 'tsked' and then continued on my "merry" way.

Jeff's POV

Man....WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS! Talking to me like that....she's so going to die tonight! I stomp away being pissed off like usual. When I get to the mansion, I go to my room, planning that brat's death....

Timeskip to the afternoon brought to you by the lazy ass author XD

Your POV

I walk into the door to get a fist in my face. I look up at my "father" and just stare blankly at him, like usual. "Where the hell have you been!? I'm starving!" I keep my expression and walk to the kitchen to make the dumbass his food. When I was done, I put it on the table and walked to my room to do my homework.

Jeff's POV

Wow....what a nice thing to see when I get to the kid's house. Seeing her get punched in the face, yelled at, and then without expression, calmly walks to the kitchen to make the man food. Is this kid mental or something? I wanted to get some information on the girl...but I didn't think it was bad like this. She went to, I'm guessing her room and seemed to do her homework. I couldn't even see in her room, the window was blocked, and it was dark as hell in there. I sighed and saw the sun setting. Just four more hours and she's dead!

Timeskip four hours later...

Your POV

I couldn't sleep. I stared at a picture of my family. I frowned slightly and finally fell into an uneasy sleep, making sure my face is covered just in case father comes in. He was always angry when he sees my face.

"GA-" ok that's one way to wake someone up! I look up to see a guy with pale almost white skip, no eyelids, black eyes, white hoodie by the looks of it, black ripped jeans?, and her has a red ear to ear smile. His voice was chilling, almost relaxing or well to me, and raspy. He lifted his knife up over his head. When he said three words, there was no mistaking it. "Go to sleep...." this was my brother...Jeff... He then brought his arm down, aiming for my heart.

Thump thump thump....

Thump thump.....



"I finally found you...." was my thought as he brought the knife down.....


That's the end of the first Chapter! How do you guys like it. Sorry if it seems rushed, but there still is Liu who still has no idea XD . This is going to be interesting....hmmm?~ Well anyway I might do another chapter....maybe.....BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!


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