Chapter 4: A Dream?

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It's been a long day already XD

I opened my eyes to see I was in my room, laying on my bed. I was confused. Then I was strike to the heart with what felt like a knife. "That all couldn't have been a dream!??! RIGHT!??!" I checked my once injured hand to see that it was no longer there. I was so off focus until I heard my father or whatever creature he was, enter my room.... "Why hello little bitch!"

Jeff's POV

"How many times must I tell you not to interact with mortals?" I didn't answer, but just looked at the ground. He...he just....Slender just made all of my work undone.... It's like he clicked a redo button til nothing was left.... (y/n) must be so confused right now.... "Who is the (y/n) girl you keep thinking about? Is that the name of that mortal? Well she must have forgotten by now! Do you even know,-blah blah blah" Slender nagged on me as I stared at the ground in shock and anger. All was going according to plan.....


As soon as I saw (y/n) jump out of the window, I went to catch her until a black looking snake thing, grabbed her and me. I knew who it was immediately and  I'm guessing he got too curious for his own good and followed me... We teleported to his woods where he dropped me and held on to (y/n). (y/n) went emotionless. Her eyes were dull and were practically asking me to save her. "Hmm....So Jeffrey? Who's this?" Slender was enjoying me squirming and trying to act calm which was failing. "Slender...put her down..." Slender seemed to smile before dropping my baby sister to the ground. "Say goodbye Jeffrey... Now I have to redo all your work...I can't have some mortal knowing about us, I would kill her, but she's young and weak minded, and plus, I haven't seen the town in a while..." I looked at (y/n), while her face showed no emotion. I saw a glimmer of sadness for a second and then it disappeared. She looked at me and smirked. "Bai bai Jeffrey Woods...." She was then picked up by Slender and then disappeared, while I stood there trying to collect and thing about what just happened.

Flashback End

As Slender still rambled on, I got up and walked to my room, slamming the door shut with all of my anger. What the hell just happened!?

Your POV

What the hell just happened!? I lied on the ground, bruised and bloody. I was....just.....he's gone... My older brother....where is he!?!? I want my older brother!!!!!!! WHERE IS HE!!!? I started breathing heavily has I started whimpering and screaming and running everywhere. My "father" was gone and some part of me as well. I checked every inch of the house, hoping this was just a bad dream and I would wake up in his arms. After a while I just stopped. I sat in my corner and starred at the ground. I felt my face darken as my eyes went dull. I was just starting to have life back in them as well.... I pulled my knees up to my chest and thought about what the hell just happened....

I woke up in the same corner. I'm guessing I must have fallen asleep. I got up and looked outside. I went to it and stood there. I didn't see anything. I went to my mirror and looked at my two-faced self. I touched my burned side. "Was all of it really a dream? What a cruel joke the world has played on me...." I then scrunched my face up with anger and punched the mirror. It shattered into pieces, some getting into my skin on my legs, arms, and knuckles, but oh wells. I fell to the floor as I just starred into empty space. Why is fate so cruel? Why must it have been a dream? I hugged myself as I curled up into a ball on the floor, not caring about the glass that was making me bleed. I stayed like this for a long time....

Trying to remember the warmth of my brothers.....


Hmmmm...... I'm so nice to do this to you readers XD . One reason I did it was cuz I didn't like how it started and seemed rushed, like how it feels now, but I'm going to do it slower, so don't worry...Jeff's going to meet her again cuz Jeff doesn't give a fuck about Slendy's rules XD . Anyway...BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!


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