Chapter 9: Home

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^_^ Hi! I have nothing to say, Enjoy the Chapter!!

Jeff's POV

I see her house!! Wait... WHAT IS SHE DOING!??! IS SHE GOING TO JUMP?! I panick as I see my little sis on her window sill, tears going down her face. "LIU HURRY!!!" I sprint even faster than I ever could before.

Liu's POV

Wait...why is he yelling at me to hur- HOLY CRAP WHAT IS SHE DOING?!? Is that her?! She's rocking back and forth as Jeff and I sprint like madmen to her. She then let's go! "(Y/N)!!!!" We both yell at the same time. Everything seemed to go into slow motion. I saw her eyes widen at hearing our voices and then she smirked and closed her eyes, seeming to let fate decide for her. As we reached to where she was falling, Jeff did this sliding move thing...whatever the heck it was called and caught her before she hit the ground. We breathed out in relief and noticed she must have passed out. All that matters is that Jeff caught her and he's usually slow at running, or well to us pastas he is! Jeff was hugging (y/n) and I joined in. I had tears in my eyes and then I felt something wet on my shoulder. "Jeff...? Are you crying?" I heard a sniffle. "NO! MY EYES ARE JUST SWEATING!" I rolled my eyes and let a tear roll down my stitched up face as all of the Woods kids were back together again...

A long walk/run back

Your POV

Hmmm...... I seemed to have passed out a little....just a little... I felt the arms of one of my brothers catch me and then I passed out. Good job me... I stirred a little and felt like I was a baby with the way one of them were carrying me...I wonder who it is...hmmm....Jeff would usual just throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, so I'm going to take a lucky guess and say this is Liu holding me. Let's see if I'm right! I open my eyes and stare up at a stitched face boy with emerald green eyes. "So I was correct!" Liu jumped at my sudden voice and stopped walking. "What you mean?" I turned my head towards Jeff. "I was correct on who was holding me. I knew that it was Liu because you carry me over your shoulder usual." Jeff sighed and started walking away. "Jeff.... give your baby sister a hug!" I, still keeping my black and bored face on, then jumped out of Liu's arms, literally, and tackled Jeff to the ground in a bear hug. Jeff tensed and then hugged me back and pouting because of the fact I knocked him down like nothing. "What about me?! Am I just chopped liver!?" I sat up and looked at Jeff as he looked at me and then we both looked at Liu. "Yes" We said at the same time. Liu just had an annoyed face on. 😑. I then tried getting up and my legs gave up on me. Both of them ran and caught me. "Must be from the glass that's current residing in my skin. I must have had an adrenaline rush to even move at the time..." They started checking me, seeing the scars and all the other wounds and stuff I have. There was a lot more glass than I thought there was. Their faces darkened at the sight and Liu picked me up again and then started walking again.... I feel like I won't be seeing my 'father' again...or my bullies....for a LONG time....

What feels like two hours later....

In front of me was a huge mansion. I stared at it with a blank face. "Ok, (y/n) there are other people here, so don't piss anyone off ok?" I shrugged, as if to say 'no promises'.  Jeff and Liu smiled at each other and then at me.

"Well then...welcome home!"


Sorry that the chapters late, I was having problems with wattpad and I was frustated XD . Now that it's fixed I would like to say that I won't be updating on three days which is Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday because I'm busy those days and... *sobs* SUMMERS ALMOST OVER!!! 😭

Jeff: What a big baby....

Liu: Jeff don't be mean to Monkey! I'm sure she's just....special?

😑😑 I hate both of you guys so much right now... Anyways thanks for reading this...whatever the hell it is and Hopefully I'll get another chapter out today, but.... BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!!


A Smile To Earn.... (Jeff's and Liu's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now