Chapter 7: Times Running Out...

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Thank you all for reading this story even though I haven't been updating as much, I feel bad about it, but I'm trying to make it up!


It's now 9:32.... they're running out of time now....

Jeff's POV

Liu hurriedly knocked on the door and Slender said the "come in" with some annoyance. Liu rushed in there and I casually walked in, out of breath. "Liu? Was that you knocking? I thought for sure it was Jeff...." Liu was practically jumping up and down where he was standing. He nodded and calmed down. "So Jeff explained to me about the mortal and I have no idea why he didn't tell you, but...." Slendy titled his head as if to say they caught his attention. "Jeff never said who the child was right?" Slender nodded wondering where this was going. "That little girl was our younger sister!!" Slender seemed a little shocked, even though he doesnt have a face, but then went back to normal. "What is her name?" It was my turn to talk. "Her name is (y/n)... I- we were wondering if she could come here and live with us. Her adoptive creature of a parent father is a jackass to her and she's bullied constantly. Come on please Slenderman!"

Slenderman's POV

Wait...did Jeff just call me by my full title? He must be serious than. I looked at the time and saw it was 10:29. I sighed and "looked" at the two. When did they have a little sister? I don't remeber seeing one or them telling me. I guess it wouldn't hurt them. "Fine. Go and get her at 11:43. If she causes any problems, it's on your hands. Understand?" They both nodded quickly and ran to get ready. I guess I should make another room close to theirs... *sigh* more work to be done...

Liu's POV

He said yes! HE SAID YES! Oh my god we can go and get my-our little baby sister! It's now 11:26! We should get there early! I ran to Jeff's room and knocked rapidly. Jeff opened the door and I almost whacked him in the face. "COME ON SLOWASS! LET'S GO!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him out the door into the forest. After a while I stopped. "What? What's wrong?" I looked at him and awkwardly laughed. " you know where she lives?" Jeff rolled his eyes and started walking, while I followed.

Your POV

Tick...tick...tick....'s almost time... I get up from where I'm standing and sit on my window's ledge. I look down with dull (eye/color) eyes. I look around to see if anyone can see me or is near me, no one... I sighed and wait until I hear the ding of the clock.

Hurry my brothers...time's almost up...


I decided to get a chapter out cuz I felt like it....ehhhh. now I'm going to- *gets tackled* WTF!?

Hoodie: WHERE WERE YOU!? YOU LEFT ME TO THOSE IDIOTS! *motions to the rest of the pastas*

Hoodie. I've been gone like four days. Chill.

Hoodie: *squeezes the life out of me* FOUR DAYS OH MY GOD! HAS IT REALLY BEEN THAT LONG!?

Kill me please...for the love of Zalgo....

Hoodie: Say bye to the readers Monkey! We have to go somewhere!

Wait...where are we going!? You have that creepy aura coming out of you!

Hoodie: Say bye to the readers Monkey.... NOW! *picks Me up*


Hoodie: Off we GO! *runs off with me*

Slenderp: HOODIE COME BACK HERE WITH MONKEY! SHE NEEDS TO WRITE MORE CHAPTERS! *chases after him while I'm just wishing to die*


A Smile To Earn.... (Jeff's and Liu's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now