Chapter 18: I'm not in involved

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Sorry this hasn't updated in a while

I ran down the hallways and through the front doors of the mansion. I don't wanna go too far, mostly because I'll start panicking if I'm not with my brothers. All I know is that I'm not dealing with whatever is happening inside and I'm gonna stay out here for a little bit. I went to a tree and sat down with my back leaning against it, I was facing the mansion, too. Wow... I could still hear them even out here. I almost smile, but wince in pain instead. I start looking around at the nature around me, though a lot of trees are dead/ there's no leaves on some of them and there's all sorts of weapon markings on the trees. I close my eyes at some point and relax. Nature has that effect on me, it makes me calm and I also seem to fall asleep at some point. On que I yawned. Then I jumped a mile high and snapped my mouth shut so fast I caught my own tounge between my teeth. There had been a snap of a twig being stepped on. I got up immediately and tried to calmly make my way to the mansion. As I walked, I could hear footsteps, who were failing to be quiet, and I decided it would be best if I just said "screw it!" And I ran to the mansion, I managed to hear a very quiet and frustated huff as I made my way to the doors. When I finally had the nerve to turn around, I didn't see anybody. I frowned and then shut the door. I turned back around and yelped as someone picked me up. I looked at the face of my capturer, (yeah...that totally a word 😅😂) it was the blonde link himself! I can't believe I actually forgot why I ran out of the mansion... I wasn't even gone for that long either! I pouted and struggled to get put of his hold, but no, he had to be strong as hell....or maybe it's because I'm young and weak... of the two. He started walking, with me still trying to escape, towards Slender's office! I can still hear the yelling going on! "God damn it BEN! Put me down!" BEN ignores me and continues to the office.

Once we get there, BEN, who is somewhat too calm at the moment, opens the door without knocking and then closes it. Slender wouldn't have heard the knock anyway as he's busy with the two idiots I call brothers. BEN then set me down. I walked a little forward and then, once I was spotted, they went quiet. We all stood there in silence for a long time... we also had the same dumbfounded look on our faces. I just looked at all of them and then turned around towards the door. I proceed to open the door and yell out as I walked away,



So sorry about not updating this book in a while, I've haven't had the motivation to and I'm just kinda out of it. I'm still dealing with some things, their getting a little better, but I'm trying to not lash out at everyone because I'm so sick of everything. But anyway this might be the only book updated for the week, Idk, we'll see, as always..... BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!


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