Chapter One-Draco P.O.V.

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Lately my mother's been watching me very carefully. It's making me uneasy. "Draco, honey?" she asks, knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in, mom." I call, sighing. She comes in and I bolt upright when I notice her stiff demeanor. "Draconis..." she starts off and I prepare for bad news, She never uses my full name unless it's bad news. "Are you aware of your Inheritance? The one you receive when you turn eighteen and a half?" she asks, her tone serious but gentle. I nod slowly and reply, "It's when a witch or wizard comes into his, her, or their full magical abilities." She nods and relaxes a bit.

"Yes, but it has more to it then that. For you anyway." I gesture for her to go on with adrenaline coursing through my veins. "You will go through what's called a Creature Inheritance. You see, I'm a Veela and because of this, you will be too." she tells me ducking her head behind a curtain of her pale hair. "A-a Veela?" I whisper, stuttering slightly. I've heard of Veelas and I am both terrified and pleased at this new development. "When?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. "Tomorrow night." she whispers dejectedly.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me, mom. I love you." I tell her, hugging her tightly. After my father was sent to Azkaban, my mother and I have been working towards being more affectionate, like we'd been before Voldemort. "I love you too, Draco." she says, accepting the hug gratefully. She gets up and with a last gentle look at me, she leaves my room, closing the door behind her softly.

I get ready for bed and just as I start to drift off, I hear a persistent tapping on my window. I get out of bed and see a barn owl standing on the window ledge with a letter tied to its leg. I open the window and he fluters in, landing on my shoulder. I untie the letter and stroke his wing gently. The contents of the letter shock me.


I realize that we've never seen eye-to-eye, but I was hoping that we could change that. A truce? Anyway, I was hoping we could be, if not friends, then civil with each other. Ever since the war, I've been feeling down and I wanted to mend any damage that I have done to anyone. I was hoping to start with you. I understand that our bridge may be too burned to cross, but I hope we can try. By the way, happy late birthday.

-Harry J. Potter"

I read and re-read the letter, my mind spinning. Harry offered a truce. "Thank Merlin." I think, grinning. I've had a giant crush on Harry since first year and I didn't want to be enemies forever. I quickly get out a quill and parchment to pen out a reply.


I would happily be your friend if you will have me. Our bridge is far from burned and I eagerly cross it. Thank you for the birthday wishes and I wish you, Weasley, and Granger well.

-Draco L. Malfoy"

I seal the letter and tie it to the owl's leg. I open the window and he flutters out. I sigh and lay on my bed happily. I swiftly fall into a peaceful sleep.

*A/N* I feel as though it is my duty to warn you that the first few chapters are full of random time skips and errors. Please be patient with me. I don't have a Beta and I'm to lazy to Beta my own stuff. Happy reading! 📖

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