Chapter Fifteen: Harry P.O.V.

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Important A/N at the end. Please read!

I bolt up in bed and look around wildly. Hospital Wing. The Carrows. Draco...Draco! I look to the side of my bed and give a small sigh of relief when I notice my white-blonde mate sitting there, sleeping peacefully.

At the sound of my sigh, however, he jolts up, his silvery eyes searching. His gaze lands on me and he pulls me into his arms. "Harry. My Raven. My mate. Are you okay? Why weren't you talking earlier? Do I need to grab Pomfrey?" he rushes out. He runs his hands over my body, as if making sure I was still there.

I bite my lower lip and stare at him. "You're not going to talk, are you?" he asks, sounding sad. I smile sadly at him and shake my head. I can't. Not yet. "Okay. Whatever you need to do, I'm here for you. Always."

I grin at him and Poppy comes rushing over in her night clothes. "Harry! You're awake sooner than I expected, but considering all of the things you've gone through in the past, I'm not too surprised." she huffs out with a delicate giggle.

My shoulders shake with silent chuckles and she furrows her brows. "Why aren't you talking, dear?" she asks gently. "He just needs time. And we'll give him as much time as he needs." Draco tells her, ruffling my hair and kissing my cheek.

"If you say so. Harry? I'm going to run some diagnostic charms to see if all of your major injuries are healed. I can't do much for the bruising, so you'll have to live with those for now." she explains. Draco and I nod, waiting patiently for her to continue doing her job.

A good twenty minutes later, she finishes up and shuffles back to bed, leaving me with Draco in the dark infirmary. "Go back to sleep love. Today was Friday, so we don't have to worry about waking up for classes tomorrow." he tells me, placing a gentle peck on my lips.

I nod and cuddle into Draco's side, immediately falling into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to sunlight streaming through the windows and Draco snoring softly by my side. His arm is wrapped securely around my waist and one if his legs are thrown over mine.

I poke his forehead and his face wrinkles up cutely. I do it again and he slaps my hand away. I do it once more and he finally wakes up, glaring at me through his messy blond hair.

"You're lucky you're so cute, otherwise I would be pissed right now...Since when are you up before me? You hate mornings." he grumbles, running his fingers through his hair. I shrug and yawn.

"Harry!" Two very concerned voiced shout and I look over. As expected, Ron and Hermione are rushing into the Hospital Wing with twin expressions of worry.

I grin at them and wave them over. They sprint over to my bed and embrace me with a bear hug worthy of Hagrid. "Thank Merlin you're alright!" Hermione sobs into my shirt. "We were worried, mate. Draco was almost feral, the teachers were distracted. We're sorry we couldn't stop what happened to you." Ron says, his voice gravelly with unshed tears.

I wave away his apology and smile at my two best friends. My first friends.

'I'm glad I have them.' I think, sighing happily. I'm pulled out if my thoughts when Poppy comes up to us. "Mr. Potter? You're free to go as long as you promise to rest for the weekend." she informs me, smiling gently.

I nod excitedly and grin at my friends. "Then that means it's time to go, love. Come on." Draco whispers in my ear, grabbing my hand in his.

He pulls me out of bed and the four of us walk up to the Gryffindor common room. My first true home.

"So. What are we doing today?" Ron asks when we sit down. I roll my eyes at him and walk up to a bookshelf. I grab a book on DADA and settle down next to Draco and start reading.

"Apparently, Harry's going to read." Hermione giggles finding a book of her own. Draco does the same and Ron just stares at us looking betrayed. "I'm not touching one of those things. I'm gonna go see if anyone wants to play Wizard's Chess with me." he grumbles, glaring at the objects in our hands.

"Have fun with that Weaselbee." Draco calls absently, hugging me to his side. "Bye Ron." 'Mione says, already wrapped up in her book.

'This is perfect.' I think, smiling contentedly. 'This is home.'

*A/N* Hey y'all! I made this chapter a bit longer than usual, so I hope you enjoyed! 😁 Anyway, I need your help. Any ideas on what the next book should be called? Please help. I'm stuck. 🙏

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